1.   Vsebina

1.           Vsebina.. 1

2.           Zgodovina verzij (od 01.10.2020). 4

3.           Uvodne določbe.. 4

3.1       Informacije o Lastniku bizBoxa in kontakt. 4

3.2       Veljavna pogodba.. 5

4.           Definicije pojmov.. 5

5.           Opredelitev storitev.. 7

5.1       Uporaba Storitev.. 7

5.2       Varnost in zanesljivost storitve.. 8

5.3       Nabor Elektronskih storitev bizBox.. 8

5.4       Dostop do storitev in vzdrževanje. 8

5.5       Spremembe in ukinitve Storitev.. 9

6.           Opredelitev naročniškega razmerja.. 10

6.1       Naročniška pogodba.. 10

6.2       Način zaračunavanja in plačilni pogoji 11

6.3       Reklamacije.. 11

7.           Vzpostavitev in uporaba storitev.. 11

7.1       Registracija in uporaba Dostopa do bizBox platforme ter Uporabniškega računa   11

7.2       Obveznosti Naročnika.. 12

7.3       Podjetja in Uporabniki 13

7.4       Podpora Uporabnikom... 14

7.5       Povezana omrežja in sistemi 14

8.           Prekinitev naročniškega razmerja.. 14

8.1       Odpoved.. 14

8.2       Kršitve.. 15

9.           Omejitve odgovornosti 16

10.       Poslovna skrivnost. 17

11.       Zahtevki tretjih oseb.. 17

12.       Varstvo intelektualne lastnine.. 17

13.       Varstvo podatkov.. 18

14.       Uporaba spletne strani 18

15.       Končne določbe.. 18

16.       Priloga – Pogodba o obdelavi osebnih podatkov.. 20

1.           Table of contents. 29

2.           Version history (since October 1, 2020). 31

3.           Preliminary provisions. 31

3.1       Information on the bizBox Owner and contact details. 32

3.2       Valid agreement. 32

4.           Definitions. 33

5.           Definition of services. 35

5.1       Use of Services. 35

5.2       Security and reliability of the service.. 35

5.3       Set of the bizBox Electronic Services. 35

5.4       Access to services and maintenance.. 36

5.5       Modifications and terminations of Services. 36

6.           Definition of the Subscription relationship.. 37

6.1       Subscription Agreement. 37

6.2       Billing methods and payment terms. 38

6.3       Complaints. 39

7.           Set-up and the use of Services. 39

7.1       Registration and the use of the bizBox Platform Access and the User Account  39

7.2       Obligations of the Subscriber. 40

7.3       Companies and Users. 41

7.4       User support. 42

7.5       Connected networks and systems. 42

8.           Termination of Subscription.. 42

8.1       Cancellation.. 42

8.2       Breaches. 42

9.           Disclaimer of liability.. 44

10.       Business secrets. 45

11.       Third party claims. 45

12.       Intellectual property protection.. 45

13.       Data protection.. 46

14.       Use of the website.. 46

15.       Final provisions. 46

16.       Appendix – Personal Data Processing Agreement. 49




2.   Zgodovina verzij (od 01.10.2020)

Datum verzije

Opis sprememb


Verzija prenovljenih splošnih pogojev 01.10.2020.


Dodano poglavje Zgodovina verzij.

Sprememba termina specifični pogoji v termin pogoji uporabe.

Dopolnitev v poglavju 3. Dodano, da je sestavni del splošnih pogojev tudi pogodba o obdelavi osebnih podatkov.

Dopolnitev v poglavju 6.2. Dodan zadnji odstavek, da  ima naročnik pravico do preklica določenih dovoljenj (prejem eRačunov, objava v imeniku).

Dodana priloga Pogodba o obdelavi osebnih podatkov.


Povzetek pomembnejših sprememb: Posodobitev definicij pojmov, dodana možnost sklepanja naročniškega razmerja po pooblastilu, uporabniški dostop podjetja se spremeni v dostop do bizBox platforme, da je bolj jasna razmejitev med dostopom podjetja in posameznega uporabnika, ki ima uporabniški račun; dopolnitve v poglavju naročniška pogodba (6.1), dodana obveznost prevzemanja eDokumentov v eNabiralniku (7.2), dodani kontakti bizBox, dopolnjene Kršitve (8.2), dodano poglavje Poslovna skrivnost, v Pogodbi o obdelavi osebnih podatkov dodano, da se podatki hranijo in obdelujejo v Republiki Sloveniji.

3.   Uvodne določbe

Ti splošni pogoji za elektronske storitve bizBox (v nadaljevanju Splošni pogoji) se uporabljajo za vse Elektronske storitve bizBox, ki jih ponuja Lastnik bizBox in so opredeljene v teh splošnih pogojih.

Splošni pogoji so zavezujoči za vse Naročnike, Podjetja in tudi Uporabnike elektronskih storitev bizBox (v nadaljevanju tudi samo Storitev). Poleg teh splošnih pogojev lahko Naročnike, Podjetja in Uporabnike zavezujejo tudi določeni pogoji uporabe, ki se nanašajo na posamezno Storitev. O morebitnih pogojih uporabe  bodo Naročniki obveščeni še pred sklenitvijo naročniškega razmerja. Sestavni del teh splošnih pogojev je tudi pogodba o obdelavi osebnih podatkov. Strinjanje s temi splošnimi pogoji in pogoji uporabe (v kolikor za izbrano storitev veljajo) je pogoj za uporabo elektronskih storitev bizBox.

3.1   Informacije o Lastniku bizBoxa in kontakt

Lastnik bizBox, lastnik in ponudnik elektronskih storitev bizBox, ki so predmet teh splošnih pogojev je:

ZZI Svetovanje in inženiring, proizvodnja in prodaja programske opreme d.o.o.

Ljubljana, Pot k sejmišču 33

1231 Ljubljana - Črnuče

Matična številka: 5366569000

Davčna številka: SI 85190586

Lastnika bizBox-a zastopajo Igor Zorko, Andrej Zorko, Ana Anka Zorko in Peter Zorko, vsak posamično.

3.2   Veljavna pogodba

Naročnik s strinjanjem s splošnimi pogoji sklene Naročniško razmerje z Nosilcem pravic. V kolikor Naročnik sklene naročniško razmerje s ponudnikom, je dolžan preveriti vse pogoje uporabe, ki jih za uporabo storitev postavi ponudnik. Naročnik s strinjanjem sklene veljavno pogodbeno razmerje. V kolikor Naročnik sklepa pogodbeno razmerje v imenu in za račun Podjetja, ki je tretja oseba, je dolžan zagotoviti, da Podjetje v celoti spoštuje splošne pogoje.

Naročnik, ki sklepa naročniška razmerja po pooblastilu, je v celoti samostojno odgovoren, da poskrbi za veljavno pooblastilo za sklenitev posla. Lastnik bizBox ne odgovarja za kakršnokoli škodo, ki bi nastala Naročniku ali tretjim osebam v imenu in za račun katerih je Naročnik (v nadaljevanju tudi Podjetje) sklenil pogodbeno razmerje. Naročnik je dolžan v primeru, da bi tretje osebe zoper Lastnika bizBox naperile kakršenkoli zahtevek, vse takšne zahtevke nemudoma prevzeti nase in Lastnika bizBoxa odvezati kakršnihkoli obveznosti in/ali sodelovanja v postopku. Lastnik bizBox se obvezuje o morebitnih takšnih zahtevkih nemudoma obvestiti Naročnika, ki je sklenil naročniško razmerje po pooblastilu.

Prosimo vas, da si te splošne pogoje in pogoje uporabe (v kolikor za izbrano storitev veljajo) pozorno preberete pred sklenitvijo naročniškega razmerja. V kolikor se s pogoji, v celoti ali deloma, ne strinjate, elektronskih storitev bizBox ne morete uporabljati.

Elektronske storitve bizBox so na voljo v stanju »takšne, kot so«; Lastnik bizBox ne podaja nikakršnih garancij ali jamstev, ne neposrednih ne posrednih, v zvezi z lastninsko pravico, trženjem ali kakršnokoli ustreznostjo za katerikoli namen, za Storitve. Na podlagi Naročniškega razmerja ima Podjetje pravico znotraj lastnega Dostopa do bizBox platforme kreirati dostope posamičnim Uporabnikom.

Podrobnejše opredelitve posameznih strank najdete v točki 4 (Definicije pojmov).

Splošna raba termina Naročnik: da bi te splošne pogoje naredili pregledne, jasne in razumljive, bomo uporabljali termin Naročnik, ko bomo govorili o uporabi naših storitev; v tem primeru termin Naročnik vključuje tudi Podjetja in Uporabnike.

4.   Definicije pojmov

V teh splošnih pogojih uporabljamo določene termine, ki jim pripisujemo specifične pomene. Za boljše razumevanje splošnih pogojev vas prosimo, da si spodnje termine pozorno preberete.

Kaj je predmet teh SPP?

1)   Elektronske storitve bizBox (v  nadaljevanju eStoritve) - nabor elektronskih storitev, ki uporabnikom omogočajo formalno eIzmenjavo in brezpapirno poslovanje. Nabor storitev, ki jih nudi Lastnik bizBox, je razviden iz pogojev uporabe za posamezno storitev, ki so na voljo pri Lastniku bizBox/Ponudniku.

2)   eIzmenjava (v nadaljevanju eIzmenjava) – eIZMENJAVA je storitev verodostojne izmenjave - sprejemanja in pošiljanja – elektronskih poslovnih dokumentov, ki poteka po varnih  poteh z zagotovljeno sledljivostjo poti ter transakcij v omrežju.

3)   Vmesniki bizBox (v nadaljevanju Vmesniki) - do eStoritev je mogoče dostopati preko različnih vmesnikov. Vmesniki bizBox omogočajo dostop in uporabo različnih funkcij (registracija podjetij in uporabnikov, administracija, funkcije za podporo B2B procesom in druge). Vmesniki bizBox so lahko spletne storitve, spletna stran, API in drugi.

Kdo je kdo?

a)   Lastnik bizBox je lastnik in nosilec licenc ter pravic intelektualne lastnine produktov, ki jih opredeljujejo ti Splošni pogoji. Lastnik bizBox je podjetje ZZI d.o.o.

b)   Ponudnik je pravna oseba (poslovni partner Lastnika bizBoxa), ki ima na podlagi dogovora z Lastnikom bizBoxa pravico ponujati in posredovati pri sklepanju naročniških razmerij za uporabo elektronskih storitev bizBox. Ponudnik samostojno določa pogoje uporabe posameznih elektronskih storitev bizBox in lahko poslovnemu uporabniku postavi dodatne pogoje za uporabo elektronskih storitev bizBox, ki s temi Splošnimi pogoji niso določeni. Vsak ponudnik je dolžan v celoti spoštovati te splošne pogoje. Seznam ponudnikov je objavljen na spletnem mestu www.bizBox.eu.

c)    Naročnik je pravna oseba, ki z Lastnikom bizBox sklene veljavno naročniško razmerje za uporabo storitev v lastnem imenu in za lasten račun ali za račun določenega Podjetja (v kolikor ima za sklenitev naročniškega razmerja ter morebitno uporabo ustrezna pooblastila Podjetja).

d)   Podjetje Upravičenec (v nadaljevanju Podjetje) je pravna oseba,  ki na podlagi naročniškega razmerja uporablja elektronske storitve bizBox, določa uporabnike znotraj svojega Dostopa do bizBox platforme in je naslovnik ali izdajatelj (originator) elektronskih dokumentov, ki se prenašajo prek omrežja. Podjetje je lahko naročnik ali pa druga pravna oseba, kadar naročnik storitve naroča na podlagi pooblastila.

e)   Uporabnik je fizična oseba, ki uporablja elektronske storitve bizBox, v okviru pooblastila, ki ga zagotovi Podjetje.

f)    Pooblaščenec je zakoniti zastopnik ali pooblaščenec s pisnim pooblastilom zakonitega zastopnika pravne osebe, ki naroča ali uporablja storitve, ki so predmet teh splošnih pogojev.

g)   Naročniško razmerje  je razmerje med Lastnikom bizBox in Podjetjem.

h)   Pravna oseba je subjekt, ki ima v skladu z zakonodajo status pravne osebe javnega ali zasebnega prava oziroma pravne osebe, ki je registriran kot gospodarska družba, samostojni podjetnik ali drug poslovni subjekt (društvo, sindikat, politična stranka in fizična oseba, ali ki opravlja registrirano dejavnost, oziroma drug poslovni subjekt, registriran z vpisom v pristojni register ali uradno evidenco pri pristojnem registrskem organu).

Katere tehnične termine moram poznati?

i)     Elektronski poslovni dokument (v nadaljevanju eDokument) – pomeni dokument in/ali nabor podatkov, posredovan v elektronski obliki in izmenjan preko omrežja eIzmenjave.

j)    Kvalificirano digitalno potrdilo je potrdilo v elektronski obliki, ki povezuje podatke za preverjanje elektronskega podpisa uporabnika (imetnika potrdila) in s tem potrjuje njegovo istovetnost ter izpolnjuje zahteve veljavne zakonodaje.

k)   Elektronsko sporočilo (v nadaljevanju Sporočilo) – je enkraten prenos podatkov, ki je sestavljen iz  elektronske ovojnice, ki vključuje podatke o naslavljanju in usmerjanju, in eDokumenta.

l)     Omrežje eIzmenjave bizBox (v nadaljevanju Omrežje eIzmenjave) je omrežje, ki zagotavlja varen in zanesljiv prenos eDokumentov med različnimi priključki poslovnih uporabnikov s sledljivostjo transakcij v omrežju.

m) Povezana omrežja so tista omrežja, s katerimi je povezano Omrežje eIzmenjave ter omogoča izmenjavo eDokumentov med uporabniki obeh omrežij. Pogoji povezovanja ter izmenjave ter funkcije med omrežji so različne ter so del dogovora med upravljalci obeh omrežij. Seznam povezanih omrežij in dodatne informacije so na voljo na www.bizBox.eu.

5.   Opredelitev storitev

5.1   Uporaba Storitev

Naročnik sme v okviru Naročniškega razmerja uporabljati Elektronske storitve bizBox. Za uporabo Storitev je potrebna registracija preko Vmesnika. Podrobne informacije o registraciji in uporabi Dostopa do bizBox platforme najdete v poglavju 7 teh splošnih pogojev.

5.2   Varnost in zanesljivost storitve

Storitve so Naročniku na voljo »takšne, kot so«. Lastnik bizBox zagotavlja varno in zanesljivo uporabo elektronskih storitev bizBox in omrežja eIzmenjave, v okviru katerega lahko Naročniki izvajajo brezpapirno poslovanje.

Lastnik bizBox je vzpostavil in upravlja sistem upravljanja informacijske varnosti in je certificiran skladno s standardom ISO/IEC 27001. Delovanje sistema vodenja varovanja informacij temelji na izvedeni oceni tveganj, ki je podlaga za izbor ustreznih varnostnih ukrepov in kontrol. Lastnik bizBox vse postopke nabave, razvoja in vzdrževanja informacijske tehnologije vodi skladno z nacionalnimi in mednarodnimi standardi. Elektronske storitve bizBox so Naročniku na voljo 24 ur na dan vseh 7 dni v tednu. Izjemoma Storitve niso na voljo, kadar se izvajajo vzdrževalna dela ali kadar pride do nepredvidenih dogodkov, zaradi katerih bi prišlo do nedelovanja Storitev.

Lastnik bizBox vzdržuje infrastrukturo v takem stanju in kakovosti, ki zagotavlja delovanje storitev v skladu z ustreznimi tehničnimi standardi ter pogoji in določili določenimi v pogodbi.

5.3   Nabor Elektronskih storitev bizBox

Lastnik bizBox ponuja različne elektronske storitve, pri čemer omogoča brezplačno uporabo enega eNabiralnika. eNabiralnik je brezplačen za vsako Podjetje, ki se registrira pri Lastniku bizBoxa in sprejme splošne pogoje.

eNabiralnik je elektronski predal posameznega Podjetja, ki zagotavlja verodostojen prejem, sledenje in pregledovanje izmenjave eDokumentov ter kratkoročno (dvanajst (12) mesecev od prejema dokumenta v eNabiralnik) hrambo izmenjanih dokumentov. eNabiralnik je dostopen preko Vmesnikov. Podjetje ima en eNabiralnik. Uporaba eNabiralnika je brezplačna ob sprejemu splošnih pogojev.

Poleg brezplačnih storitev ponuja Lastnik bizBox dodatne, plačljive Storitve. Opis in načine delovanja posamezne elektronske storitve bizBox najdete na www.bizbox.eu. Za plačljive elektronske storitve bizBox lahko veljajo dodatni pogoji uporabe, ki predstavljajo sestavni del teh splošnih pogojev in so dostopni pri Lastniku bizBoxa/Ponudniku.

5.4   Dostop do storitev in vzdrževanje

Lastnik bizBox po svojih najboljših močeh zagotavlja nemoteno delovanje Storitev, kljub temu pa lahko pride do oviranega ali pomanjkljivega delovanja oz. začasno onemogočenega dostopa do Storitev. 

V okviru nudenja storitev lahko pride do napak ali okvar v omrežju. Lastnik bizBox bo napake in okvare, ki jih javi Naročnik in/ali jih detektira Lastnik bizBox sam, odpravil v najkrajšem možnem času. Naročnik je seznanjen, da je možno, da v času odprave napak ali okvar elektronskih storitev morda ne bo mogoče uporabljati.

Lastnik bizBox bo, v kolikor bo to zaradi narave napake ali okvare mogoče, odpravo napovedal vnaprej.

Kadar pride do napake ali okvare zaradi ravnanja Naročnika, Lastnik bizBox takšno napako ali okvaro odpravi v okviru ločenega dogovora z Naročnikom, kjer se opredelijo tudi stroški odprave napake ali okvare, ki jih je v celoti dolžan nositi Naročnik.

Lastnik bizBox infrastrukturo, potrebno za delovanje Storitev, redno vzdržuje. Vzdrževalna dela se izvajajo po predhodni najavi preko kontaktnih podatkov Naročnika vsaj 48 ur pred načrtovanim posegom in se praviloma opravljajo ob sobotah, nedeljah ali izven delovnega časa od 22:00 do 6:00. Izjemoma se lahko, kadar je to potrebno zaradi narave vzdrževalnega dela ali organizacije dela pri Lastniku bizBoxa, vzdrževalna dela opravljajo tudi izven časa, opredeljenega v tem odstavku.

5.5   Spremembe in ukinitve Storitev

Lastnik bizBox si pridržuje pravico, da nabor elektronskih storitev spremeni tako da določene storitve dopolni, spremeni ali v celoti odstrani (tj. Storitev ukine). V primeru tehnoloških sprememb in/ali ukinitev posameznih funkcionalnosti Storitev bo Lastnik bizBox o teh spremembah obvestil Naročnike vsaj šestdeset (60) dni pred uvedbo spremembe. Ukinitev katere izmed Storitev pa bo Lastnik bizBox naznanil vsaj sto dvajset (120) dni pred ukinitvijo. 

Kadar spremembe in dopolnitve Storitev, ki jih izvede Lastnik bizBox, ne vplivajo na delovanje Storitev posameznega Naročnika, Lastnik bizBox Naročnika o takšnih spremembah ne bo obveščal.

Naročnik izrecno potrjuje, da je seznanjen z zgornjimi možnostmi sprememb v naboru Storitev, do katerih lahko pride v času trajanja Naročniškega razmerja. Naročniku v primeru ukinitve Storitve v celoti ali deloma preneha Naročniško razmerje s pretekom roka za ukinitev, ki ga opredeli Lastnik bizBox v obvestilu iz prvega odstavka te točke Splošnih pogojev.

V primeru spremembe Storitve pa ima Naročnik možnost, da v času trajanja roka iz prejšnjega odstavka svoje Naročniško razmerje nadaljuje pod novimi pogoji tako da bo vključevalo nove spremembe ali pa Naročniško razmerje prekine. V kolikor bo Naročnik ostal pasiven do poteka roka iz prvega odstavka, se šteje, da se Naročnik strinja s spremenjenimi pogoji in se Naročniško razmerje nadaljuje skladno z novimi pogoji. Posebej opozarjamo, da lahko takšna sprememba vpliva tudi na plačljivost Storitev.

Naročnik v primeru začasnega ali trajnega prenehanja izvajanja storitve ni upravičen do povračila nikakršne škode. Prav tako Naročnik nima pravice zahtevati od Lastnika bizBox, da ohrani določeno Storitev oz. mu omogoči uporabe določene Storitve brez predvidene spremembe. Spremembe in ukinitve, opredeljene s tem poglavjem splošnih pogojev poslovanja ne predstavljajo podlage za kakršnekoli zahteve zaradi škode, ki bi Naročnikom lahko nastala kot posledica spremembe ali ukinitve.

6.   Opredelitev naročniškega razmerja

6.1   Naročniška pogodba

Pogodbeno razmerje med Lastnikom bizBox in Naročnikom predstavljajo Splošni pogoji poslovanja, pogoji uporabe, ki se nanašajo na posamezno Elektronsko storitev bizBox in veljavni cenik storitev. Kadar Naročnik sklene naročniško razmerje preko Ponudnika, se šteje, da je pogodbeno razmerje sklenil neposredno z lastnikom bizBox. Ponudnik sme Naročniku ponuditi lastne pogoje uporabe, ki pa ne smejo biti v navzkrižju s temi splošnimi pogoji. V primeru, da bi prišlo do navzkrižja pogojev uporabe Ponudnika in teh splošnih pogojev, prevladajo določila teh splošnih pogojev. Splošne pogoje lahko dopolnjujejo ločeni dogovori med Lastnikom bizBox in Naročnikom. Kadar ločeni dogovori niso skladni s splošnimi pogoji ali pogoji uporabe prevladajo določila ločenih dogovorov.

Naročnik je dolžan v času trajanja Naročniškega razmerja izpolnjevati vse obveznosti, ki zanj izhajajo po teh splošnih pogojih, pogojih uporabe (v kolikor za izbrano storitev veljajo) in morebitnih ločenih dogovorih.

Naročnik ima pravico kadarkoli spremeniti naročniško razmerje tako da o tem obvesti Lastnika bizBoxa. Pri spremembi Naročniškega razmerja se smiselno uporabljajo določila o odpovedi naročniškega razmerja, kot opredeljeno v poglavju 8 teh splošnih pogojev poslovanja.  Spremembe naročniškega razmerja, ki se izvedejo na zahtevo Naročnika, so lahko pogojene z dodatnimi pogoji uporabe, ki veljajo pri Lastniku bizBoxa. Naročnik se je dolžan seznaniti z morebitnimi dodatnimi pogoji uporabe in jih v celoti sprejeti pred uveljavitvijo spremembe naročniškega razmerja.

Lastnik bizBox, kot dajalec licence, s sklenitvijo tega naročniškega razmerja podeljuje Naročniku neprenosno, neizključno in časovno neomejeno pravico do uporabe elektronskih storitev bizBox na način in v obsegu, ki so določeni s splošnimi pogoji, pogoji uporabe in drugimi dokumenti, ki opredeljujejo to naročniško razmerje.

Naročnik s sklenitvijo tega naročniškega razmerja pridobi zgolj in samo pravico do uporabe elektronskih rešitev bizBox v zgoraj opredeljenem obsegu. Lastnik bizBox ostane izključni nosilec pravic v zvezi z elektronskimi storitvami bizBox, vključno z, a ne omejeno na: avtorske pravice, blagovne znamke, poslovne skrivnosti in lastniške pravice. Naročnik se zavezuje vzdržati vseh ravnanj, ki bi lahko kakorkoli omejile oz. ogrozile pravice Lastnika bozBox.

Ta licenca ne podeljuje nikakršne pravice Naročniku do dajanja podlicence. Prav tako Naročnik ni upravičen do vzvratnega projektiranja, uporabe izvorne kode (vključno z dajanjem v najem, spreminjanjem, distribucijo, ipd.) za kakršnekoli namene, ki presegajo golo uporabo kot je opredeljena v teh splošnih pogojih poslovanja

6.2   Način zaračunavanja in plačilni pogoji

V kolikor Naročnik uporablja samo brezplačne storitve, se to poglavje ne uporablja.

Lastnik bizBox opravljene storitve zaračunava Naročnikom oziroma Ponudnikom v skladu z veljavnimi ceniki. Naročnikom lahko opravljene storitve zaračuna tudi Ponudnik, ki ima z Lastnikom bizBox sklenjen dogovor o fakturiranju končnim Naročnikom.

Naročnik je dolžan obveznosti poravnati v osmih (8) dneh od izstavitve računa. Če Naročnik do 15. dne v mesecu ne bi prejel računa za storitve opravljene v preteklem mesecu, je o tem dolžan obvestiti Lastnika bizBoxa, sicer se šteje, da je račun prejel naslednji delovni dan po njegovem pošiljanju. Lastnik bizBox v primeru zamude plačila lahko Naročniku zaračuna stroške opominjanja ter zakonsko predpisane zamudne obresti.

6.3   Reklamacije

V kolikor Naročnik uporablja brezplačne storitve, se to poglavje ne uporablja.

Naročnik je račun dolžan grajati v roku osmih (8) dni od dneva izdaje, sicer se šteje, da se z njegovim temeljem in višino v celoti strinja. Lastnik bizBox bo na grajanje odgovoril v petnajstih (15) dneh po prejemu. Lastnik bizBox bo vsako reklamacijo računa preučil in podal utemeljitev obračunanega zneska in s tem reklamacijo zavrnil ali reklamaciji ugodil in izdal nov ustrezen račun za opravljene Storitve. V kolikor Lastnik bizBox reklamacijo zavrne z utemeljitvijo, se šteje, da je reklamacijski postopek zaključen, Naročnik pa je dolžan v celoti plačati znesek Storitev, kot to izhaja iz reklamiranega računa.

7.   Vzpostavitev in uporaba storitev

7.1   Registracija in uporaba Dostopa do bizBox platforme ter Uporabniškega računa

Naročnik pridobi pravico do uporabe Storitev tako da se registrira za uporabo elektronskih storitev bizBox. Registracija je pogoj za uporabo Storitev. Z registracijo pridobi Podjetje svoj Dostop do bizBox platforme, preko katerega uporablja Storitve, ki so predmet Naročniškega razmerja. V okviru Dostopa do bizBox platforme sme Podjetje podeljevati pravice in dostope Uporabnikom, ki bodo uporabljali Storitve v njegovem imenu in za njegov račun.

Uporabniški račun za uporabnika Lastnik bizBox lahko ustvari le, če so mu posredovani osebni podatki. Vse informacije o obdelavi osebnih podatkov so na voljo v Politiki zasebnosti.

Lastnik bizBox si pridržuje pravico, da zavrne registracijo, v kolikor bo e-naslov, s katerim se želi uporabnik registrirati že v bazi uporabnikov Lastnika bizBox. Prav tako si pridržuje pravico, da zavrne uporabo uporabniških imen, ki impersonirajo druge osebe, so žaljive, diskriminatorne, kršijo intelektualno lastnino ali bi lahko spodbujale nasilje. Presoja, kakšno uporabniško ime izpolnjuje naštete kriterije, je izključno v diskreciji Lastnika bizBox.

Ob registraciji se Podjetju avtomatsko generira eNabiralnik, za prejem  eDokumentov. Podjetje lahko to funkcijo kadarkoli izklopi, tako da pisno obvesti Lastnika bizBoxa na kontaktni naslov elektronske pošte narocnine@bizbox.eu.

Na podlagi uspešne registracije Lastnik bizBox Podjetje vpiše v imenik imetnikov eNabiralnikov in nacionalni register ePoslovanja v Sloveniji ter s tem obvesti svoje in povezana omrežja o možnosti izmenjave eDokumentov s tem Podjetjem.

7.2   Obveznosti Naročnika

Naročnik je v celoti odgovoren za vse aktivnosti, ki so izvedene z njegovim Dostopom do bizBox platforme ne glede na to, ali je do uporabniškega računa dostopala tretja oseba. Vsak Naročnik je dolžan zagotoviti, da so vse njegove aktivnosti v okviru uporabe Storitev zakonite.

Naročnik je dolžan zagotoviti odzivnost pri uporabljanju elektronskih storitev bizBox, kamor sodi zlasti prevzem prejetih eDokumentov. Naročnik se zavezuje, da bo dokumente, ki jih pošiljatelji posredujejo v njegov eNabiralnik, redno prevzemal. Opustitev te obveznosti predstavlja kršitev teh splošnih pogojev in se lahko sankcionira z izklopom funkcije prejema eDokumentov v eNabiralnik. Lastnik bizBox ne odgovarja za posledice neprevzema eDokumentov v eNabiralniku. Lastnik bizBox si pridržuje pravico ocenjevati prejemnike eDokumentov glede na rednost prevzemanja prejetih eDokumentov in ocene dati na razpolago pošiljateljem eDokumentov.

Uporabnik je dolžan določiti geslo za dostop do Uporabniškega računa. Uporabnik je dolžan podatke o geslu in drugih načinih avtentikacije, v kolikor so v uporabi, skrbno varovati.  Uporabnik je dolžan zagotoviti varno hrambo gesla in ga ne sme razkriti tretjim osebam. Uporabnik je v celoti odgovoren za kakršnokoli škodo, ki jo utrpi zaradi razkritja gesla tretji osebi. Za tretjo osebo se v tem primeru štejejo tudi Podjetja in Uporabniki, ki jim je bilo geslo razkrito in so lahko dostopali do Storitev. Lastnik bizBox ne nosi nikakršne odgovornosti za škodo, ki bi izvirala iz razkritja gesla in/ali omogočanja dostopa, ki ga omogoči Uporabnik.

Naročnik je dolžan nemudoma obvestiti Lastnika bizBoxa o kakršnemkoli neavtoriziranem dostopu do njegovega Uporabniškega računa in/ali gesla s katerim je bil seznanjen.

Naročnik je dolžan poskrbeti za ustrezno strojno in programsko opremo ter internetno povezavo za nemoteno uporabo Storitev.

Naročnik je dolžan takoj, najkasneje pa v roku 8 dni sporočiti vsako spremembo svojih registracijskih in kontaktnih podatkov. Naročnik je dolžan predložiti dokumente, iz katerih so razvidni spremenjeni podatki oziroma pogoji. Do prejema obvestila se šteje, da so obstoječi podatki Naročnika točni in popolni. V primeru prepoznega obvestila vse posledice prepoznega obvestila nosi Naročnik.

Naročnik izrecno potrjuje, da bo o morebitnem izbrisu Naročnika ali Podjetja o tem predhodno obvestil Lastnika bizBoxa in poskrbel za prenos eDokumentov, ki jih hrani na svojem Dostopu do bizBox platforme. Lastnik bizBox bo v roku 30 dni od datuma prejema obvestila zaprl Dostop do bizBox platforme in trajno izbrisal vse eDokumente, ki bi se na Dostopu do bizBox platforme v času izbrisa nahajali, vključno z vsemi metapodatki. Opustitev obveščanja predstavlja kršitev teh splošnih pogojev in vodi v izbris Dostopa do bizBox platforme. V kolikor Naročnik ne bo poskrbel za predhodno obvestilo, bo Lastnik bizBox neaktiven Dostop do bizBox platforme izbrisal v nadaljnjih 30ih dneh, odkar je bil pri Lastniku bizBoxa zaznan izbris subjekta.   

Naročnik jamči, da:

§  bo dovolil objavo naslova eNabiralnika v imeniku Lastnika bizBoxa in nacionalnem registru ePoslovanja v Sloveniji,

§  se  eDokumenti naslovljeni nanj in poslani od kateregakoli podjetja omrežja eIzmenjave ali povezanega omrežja lahko posredujejo v elektronski obliki v njegov eNabiralnik,

§  bo te eDokumente obravnaval identično dokumentom, ki jih prejme po drugih poteh (pošta, kurir, vročanje, …)

§  je za prejemnike eRačunov v Sloveniji to soglasje ekvivalentno soglasju za uporabo elektronskega računa kot ga predpisuje Zakon o davku na dodano vrednost Republike Slovenije v svojem 84. členu.

Naročnik ima pravico, da ne dovoli objave naslova eNabiralnika v imeniku Lastnika bizBoxa in nacionalnem registru ePoslovanja Slovenije in ne dovoli, da se eDokumenti naslovljeni nanj in poslani od kateregakoli Uporabnika Omrežja eIzmenjave ali povezanega omrežja posredujejo v elektronski obliki v njegov eNabiralnik. Preklic dovoljenja mora Naročnik posredovati pisno Lastniku bizBoxa na naslov narocnine@bizbox.eu. Lastnik bizBox bo preklic dovoljenj izvedel najkasneje v roku petih (5) delovnih dni od prejema pisnega zahtevka Naročnika.

7.3   Podjetja in Uporabniki

V okviru uporabe Storitev ima Naročnik možnost, da imenuje Uporabnike, ki bodo dostopali do Storitev in z njimi upravljali. Odgovornost za ustrezno uporabo storitev nosi vsako Podjetje posamično za lastne Uporabnike.

Uporabnik, ki prvi opravi registracijo za Podjetje, pridobi vlogo administratorja, ki za uporabo elektronskih storitev bizBox lahko pooblasti druge uporabnike, da lahko v imenu in na račun tega Naročnika uporabljajo elektronske storitve bizBox, pri čemer lahko skrbnik administratorska pooblastila prenese na drugega Uporabnika. Vsak Naročnik ima vsaj enega Uporabnika z vlogo administratorja. Administrator je s temi splošnimi pogoji hkrati določen kot primarna kontaktna oseba Podjetja oziroma Naročnika.

Naročnik je dolžan skrbeti, da je kot administrator zavedena ustrezna oseba pri posameznem Podjetju. V kolikor želi preklicati navedbo administratorja in določiti drugega administratorja, je dolžan kontaktirati Lastnika bizBoxa.

7.4   Podpora Uporabnikom

Uporabnikom je na voljo podpora, ki se praviloma vrši preko elektronske pošte, ki je objavljena na Portalu bizBox. Lastnik bizBox ni dolžan zagotavljati podpore pri uporabi brezplačnih elektronskih storitev bizBox.

Lastnik bizBox je obvezan upoštevati le zahtevke za podporo, ki so bili oddani preko kontaktov podpore Lastnika bizBoxa (podpora@bizbox.eu) in/ali Ponudnika, ki so na voljo Naročniku.

Podpora Uporabnikom se lahko razlikuje glede na posamično Storitev. Opozarjamo vas, da si pozorno preberete tudi pogoje uporabe za posamično Storitev.

7.5   Povezana omrežja in sistemi

Lastnik bizBox omogoča, v okviru uporabe elektronskih Storitev, povezavo z Povezanimi omrežji in sistemi tretjih oseb. Seznam Povezanih omrežij in sistemov najdete na www.bizbox.eu.

Vzpostavitev interoperabilne povezave s posameznim omrežjem in prehodi eDokumentov med posameznimi omrežji pa lahko s seboj prinašajo določene vzpostavitvene in/ali transferne stroške.

8.   Prekinitev naročniškega razmerja

8.1   Odpoved

Lastnik bizBox in Naročnik lahko prekineta Naročniško razmerje s pisno odpovedjo, brez navedbe razloga, z odpovednim rokom 30 (trideset) dni. S tem dnem se tudi prekine izvajanje Storitev. V kolikor Naročnik uporablja Storitve, za katere veljajo pogoji uporabe, lahko slednji določajo drugačen odpovedni rok. V primeru veljavnosti pogojev uporabe, velja tisti odpovedni rok, ki je določen s pogoji uporabe.

Lastnik bizBox lahko odpove naročniško razmerje brez odpovednega roka v primeru, da je nad Naročnikom in/ali Podjetjem začet stečajni ali likvidacijski postopek. V tem primeru bo Lastnik bizBox Naročnika o prekinitvi naročniškega razmerja obvestil o odpovedi pogodbe in Naročniku določil rok za prenos eDokumentov.

8.2   Kršitve

Lastnik bizBox lahko začasno preneha izvajati Storitve za Naročnika v naslednjih primerih:

§  nespoštovanje določil teh splošnih pogojev in/ali pogojev uporabe, ki veljajo za Naročnika ali

§  uporaba storitev v nasprotju z veljavnimi predpisi s strani Naročnika ali

§  neplačila nespornih obveznosti s strani Naročnika v petnajstih (15) dneh po prejemu opomina.

8.2.1. Zamrznitev Dostopa do bizBox platforme

Lastnik bizBox si pridržuje pravico, da kršitve sankcionira z začasnim prenehanjem izvajanja Storitev za Naročnika (zamrznitev Dostopa do bizBox platforme), kot je to opredeljeno spodaj.

Lastnik bizBox bo Naročnika obvestil o kršitvi in opredelil razloge za začasno prenehanje izvajanja Storitev Naročnika najmanj sedem (7) dni pred dnem zamrznitve Dostopa do bizBox platforme. Lastnik bizBox bo Naročniku v pisnem obvestilu podal rok za odpravo kršitve. V kolikor Naročnik v času teka roka za odpravo kršitev odpravi vse kršitve, zaradi katerih mu je bilo začasno onemogočeno koriščenje Storitev, bo Lastnik bizBox ponovno vzpostavil delovanje Storitev. Lastnik bizBox bo ponovno delovanje Storitev zagotovil najkasneje v sedmih (7) dneh po dnevu, ko je bilo ugotovljeno, da so kršitve odpravljene.

V primeru zamrznitve Dostopa do bizBox platforme zaradi kršitve Naročnika, ima Lastnik bizBox pravico do plačila polne naročnine (če gre za uporabo plačljive storitve), ne glede na to, da je bil Naročniku dostop do elektronskih storitev onemogočen. Neplačilo celotnega zneska naročnine bo Lastnik bizBox štel kot ponovno kršitev in postopal k odpovedi naročniškega razmerja brez odpovednega roka, kot je opredeljeno v tej točki splošnih pogojev.

V kolikor Naročnik kršitev v času zamrznitve Dostopa do bizBox platforme ne odpravi, pogodba preneha s potekom roka za odpravo kršitev.

V primeru, da Naročnik po ponovni vključitvi po odpravljeni kršitvi, zopet krši splošne pogoje, pogoje uporabe ali veljavne predpise, ima Lastnik bizBox pravico, da Naročniku odpove Naročniško razmerje brez odpovednega roka.

8.2.2. Odpoved zaradi kršitve Naročnika

Lastnik bizBox ima v primeru kršitve Naročnika pravico odpovedati pogodbeno razmerje. Lastnik bizBox si pridržuje pravico, da samostojno presodi ali je kršitev takšne narave, da se aktivira zamrznitev Dostopa do bizBox platforme ali je kršitev takšne narave, da se Naročniku poda odpoved pogodbenega razmerja.

V kolikor se Lastnik bizBox odloči, da je kršitev takšne narave, da je potrebno podati odpoved pogodbenega razmerja, bo Lastnik bizBox o tem pisno obvestil Naročnika in mu podal pisni rok za odpravo kršitve, ki ne sme biti krajši od sedem (7) delovnih dni.

V kolikor Naročnik kršitve ne odpravi v zgoraj določenem roku, lahko Lastnik bizBox odstopi od pogodbe brez odpovednega roka.

Lastnik bizBox bo v vsakem primeru pisno obvestil Naročnika o prekinitvi Naročniškega razmerja in ga pozval, da v tridesetih (30) dneh po prejemu obvestila prevzame svoje eDokumente. Naročnik je dolžan vse svoje eDokumente prenesti z Dostopa do bizBox platforme v času 30-dnevnega roka. V tem 30-dnevnem roku je Naročniku omogočen zgolj prevzem eDokumentov. Po izteku tega roka Lastnik bizBox dokončno izbriše vse eDokumente Naročnika, vključno s pripadajočimi metapodatki.

9.   Omejitve odgovornosti

Upoštevajoč omejitve odgovornosti predstavljene v teh splošnih pogojih Lastnik bizBox dodatno pojasnjuje kot sledi spodaj.

V kolikor se odločite za uporabo Storitev, soglašate, da ste to storili prostovoljno in nase prevzeli vsakršno tveganje. Storitve so omogočene »takšne, kot so«, brez kakršnekoli garancije, neposredne ali posredne. Vse omejitve odgovornosti, opredeljene v tem poglavju ali kjerkoli v teh splošnih pogojih in pogojih uporabe, veljajo v največjem možnem obsegu, ki ga dovoljuje zakon.

Lastnik bizBox ne jamči za delovanje Storitev, prav tako ne garantira, da bodo Storitve delovale brez napak, brez virusov ali kakršnekoli virusom podobne škodljive programske opreme. Prav tako Lastnik bizBox ne jamči, da so informacije, objavljene na spletni strani, točne in celovite. Lastnik bizBox ne jamči za kakršnokoli škodo, vključno z, a ne omejeno na: direktno, indirektno ali posledično škodo, ki bi lahko nastala oz. izvirala iz uporabe Storitev. 

V kolikor se odločite za uporabo Storitev, izrecno soglašate, da je uporaba na vašo odgovornost in sami nosite vsa tveganja, povezana z uporabo Storitev, vključno z, a ne omejeno na, neuspelo hrambo, prenose, ali kakršnokoli drugo rabo, ki jo omogočajo Storitve. Ta izključitev velja v največjem možnem obsegu, ki ga dovoljuje zakonodaja.

Lastnik bizBox ne odgovarja za vsebino poslanih oz. prejetih eDokumentov, prav tako Lastnik bizBox ne prevzema nikakršne odgovornosti za škodo, ki bi lahko izvirala iz vsebine in/ali lastnosti posameznega eDokumenta. Naročnik v celoti prevzema odgovornost za vsebino eDokumentov, ki jih pošilja preko Omrežja kot tudi za vsebino eDokumentov, ki jih prejme v svoj eNabiralnik. Prav tako Naročnik v celoti prevzema odgovornost za škodo, ki bi lahko izvirala iz lastnosti eDokumenta, vključno s kakršnokoli škodljivo vsebino, ki jo vsebuje eDokument. Naročnik se zaveda, da lahko pride z uporabo elektronskih storitev do škode na njegovi strojni ali programski opremi, in izrecno potrjuje, da sam v celoti nosi odgovornost za vso škodo, ki bi nastala na takšni opremi kot tudi vso direktno, indirektno, posledično ali kakršnokoli drugo škodo, ki bi izvirala iz uporabe elektronskih storitev bizBox.

Kadar Naročnik sklepa Naročniško razmerje za več Podjetij, je dolžan pridobiti ustrezna pooblastila za vsako Podjetje. Lastnik bizBox ne nosi nikakršne škode, ki bi nastala Podjetju in/ali Naročniku, v primeru da Naročnik ni pridobil ustreznega pooblastila Podjetja. Odgovornost za škodo v celoti nosi Naročnik.

10.     Poslovna skrivnost

Elektronske storitve bizBox predstavljajo avtorsko in lastniško pravico Lastnika bizBox in predstavljajo poslovno skrivnost Lastnika bizBox. Naročnik, kot tudi vsako Podjetje, se zavezuje, da bo elektronske rešitve bizBox varoval kot zaupne z enako stopnjo skrbnosti, kot jo zagotavlja pri lastnem poslovanju.

11.     Zahtevki tretjih oseb

Naročnik je dolžan Lastnika bizBoxa braniti pred zahtevki tretjih oseb, vključno z zahtevki, ki bi jih zoper Lastnika bizBoxa lahko naperila Podjetja in/ali Uporabniki, ki dostopajo do Storitev v okviru Naročniškega razmerja.

Lastnik bizBoxa bo o takšnem zahtevku obvestil Naročnika, ki je dolžan nemudoma vstopiti in prevzeti postopek namesto Lastnika bizBoxa. V kolikor so Lastnikom bizBoxa do prevzema postopka s strani Naročnika nastali določeni stroški (vključno z razumnimi stroški pravne pomoči), je Naročnik dolžan takšne stroške Lastnikom bizBoxa v celoti povrniti.

12.     Varstvo intelektualne lastnine

Z uporabo Storitev Naročnik ne pridobi avtorskih, lastninskih pravic ali pravic intelektualne lastnine na Storitvah. Storitve so v izključni lasti Lastnika bizBoxa, ki lahko z njimi neomejeno razpolaga. Prav tako je Lastnik bizBox izključni lastnik in nosilec vseh prepoznavnih znakov in drugih pravic intelektualne lastnine, ki jih uporablja v okviru Storitev. Naročnik sme Storitve uporabljati zgolj v okviru Naročniškega razmerja, pri čemer mu raba Storitve v nobenem primeru ne podeljuje pravic intelektualne lastnine ali avtorskih pravic nad Storitvami in/ali prepoznavnimi znaki, ki jih uporablja Lastnik bizBox. Nič v teh splošnih pogojih se ne more interpretirati na način, ki bi Naročniku lahko podeljeval kakršnokoli pravico, lastninsko, intelektualno, pravico avtorskega prava, nad Storitvami in z njimi povezanimi prepoznavnimi znaki, ki jih uporablja Lastnik bizBox.

Podatkovni, slikovni, tekstovni in kakršnikoli drugi materiali (v nadaljevanju eDokumenti), ki jih z uporabo Storitev ustvari Naročnik so v izključni lasti Naročnika. Lastnik bizBox nad eDokumenti nima nobenih pravic intelektualne lastnine, avtorskega prava kot tudi ne lastniških pravic. Vse pravice nosi izključno Naročnik. Naročnik v celoti odgovarja in nosi breme dokazovanja, da so eDokumenti Naročnika njegova last oz. ima ustrezno pravico, da jih uporablja, prenaša ali kako drugače spreminja z uporabo Storitev. Lastnik bizBox ne nosi nikakršne odgovornosti za kakršnekoli kršitve Naročnika v okviru uporabe Storitev, ki izvirajo iz eDokumentov Naročnika.

S sprejemom teh splošnih pogojev, Naročnik soglaša, da sme Lastnik bizBox na svoji spletni strani objaviti logotip Naročnika kot referenco. Naročnik ima kadarkoli pravico, da zahteva odstranitev logotipa s spletne strani Lastnika bizBoxa. 

13.     Varstvo podatkov

V okviru nudenja Storitev Lastnik bizBox neizbežno obdeluje osebne podatke. Kako poteka obdelava osebnih podatkov pri nudenju Storitev, si lahko preberete v naši politiki zasebnosti.

Upravljalec sme z namenom preverjanja verodostojnosti podatkov, navedenih ob registraciji in/ali spremenjenih kasneje, preveriti resničnost teh podatkov pri kateremkoli organu, instituciji, delodajalcu, banki ali drugem upravljavcu osebnih podatkov.

14.     Uporaba spletne strani

Lastnik bizBox je lastnik in upravljavec spletnih strani www.bizBox.eu in www.zzi.si. Lastnik bizBox je izključni lastnik spletnih strani in vseh materialov (ne glede na obliko), ki se nahajajo na spletnih straneh. Spletne strani so na voljo »v stanju, kakršne so«, Lastnik bizBox ne nosi nikakršna odgovornosti glede škode, ki bi lahko nastala zaradi uporabe in/ali nedelovanja spletnih strani.

Vse vsebine spletnih strani www.bizBox.eu in www.zzi.si s poddomenami so informativne narave in ne predstavljajo nikakršne obveznosti na strani Lastnika bizBoxa.

15.     Končne določbe

Sklenjena pogodba. Splošni pogoji imajo skupaj z opravljenim naročilom storitev preko spletne strani (www.bizbox.eu in www.zzi.si) in vseh podstrani tega spletnega mesta naravo pogodbe, sklenjene med Nosilcem pravic in Naročnikom. V kolikor Lastnik bizBox in Naročnik skleneta ločen dogovor, določila ločenega dogovora prevladajo nad določili teh splošnih pogojev in pogojev uporabe.

Neodvisnost določb. V kolikor bi se ugotovilo, da je katerikoli izmed določb teh splošnih pogojev (v celoti ali deloma) nezakonita, nična ali na kakršenkoli drug način neveljavna, se takšna določba šteje za izbrisano (deloma ali v celoti), preostanek splošnih pogojev pa ostane v veljavi.

Polna poslovna sposobnost. Naročnik jamči, da ima polno sposobnost za prevzem pravic in obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz teh splošnih pogojev, pogojev uporabe in morebitnih ločenih dogovorov. Jamči, da za izvajanje svojih obveznosti iz teh splošnih pogojev ne potrebuje soglasja ali odobritve s strani katerekoli tretje osebe oz. v kolikor je takšna odobritev potrebna, da z ustrezno odobritvijo razpolaga.

Seznanjenost s pogoji. S podpisom teh splošnih pogojev Naročnik/Podjetje potrjuje, da je le-te prebral in je v celoti seznanjen s temi splošnimi pogoji, zlasti z omejitvami odgovornosti, ki so vzpostavljene.

Pravo dogovora. Za te splošne pogoje velja pravo Republike Slovenije.

Reševanje sporov. Pogodbeni stranki bosta vse spore reševali sporazumno. V kolikor to ne bo mogoče, so za vse spore, ki izvirajo iz teh splošnih pogojev, pristojna sodišča v Republiki Sloveniji.

Višja sila. Lastnik bizBox ni odgovoren za kakršnokoli škodo, ki nastane kot posledica višje sile. Za višjo silo se šteje vsak dogodek, ki je nepredvidljiv in je izven vpliva Lastnika bizBoxa. Za višjo silo se štejejo med drugim, a ne izključno: naravne nesreče, vojna in izredna stanja, izpadi elektrike, stavke ipd. Lastnik bizBox bo o dogodku nemudoma obvestil Naročnika in podal okviren rok za odpravo posledic višje sile.

Spremembe pogojev. Naročnik/Podjetje nima pravice kakorkoli spreminjati ali se odpovedati, v celoti ali deloma, veljavnosti katere od določb iz teh splošnih pogojev in/ali pogojev uporabe. Lastnik bizBox ima pravico kadarkoli spremeniti te pogoje. Vsaka sprememba bo objavljena na spletni strani Lastnika bizBoxa. Šteje se, da se Naročnik/Podjetje strinja z vsakokratnimi spremembami, v kolikor nadaljuje z uporabo Storitev kljub uveljavitvi sprememb. V kolikor se s spremembami ne strinja, ima pravico do odstopa v roku 30 dni od uveljavitve spremembe.

Celoten dogovor. Te splošni pogoji, skupaj s posamičnimi pogoji uporabe, ki veljajo za posamezno Storitev, predstavljajo celoten dogovor, ki velja med pogodbenima strankama. Vsi morebitni predhodni dogovori ali pogajanja, pisni ali ustni, so v celoti nadomeščeni s temi pogoji.

Jezikovne različice. Ti splošni pogoji so sestavljeni v slovenskem jeziku. Kakršnakoli različica teh splošnih pogojev v drugem jeziku, je ustvarjena z namenom ponuditi lažji dostop do splošnih pogojev. Strinjate se in v celoti razumete, da je v primeru kakršnihkoli sporov prevladujoča slovenska različica.

Pomen izrazov. Vsi kapitalizirani izrazi, uporabljeni v teh pogojih imajo pomen, kot je definiran na vrhu teh Splošnih pogojev in Pogojev uporabe za posamezno Storitev.

Veljavna različica. Ti splošni pogoji veljajo od 1.2.2024.


16.     Priloga – Pogodba o obdelavi osebnih podatkov




(v nadaljevanju: upravljavec)


ZZI d.o.o.

Pot k sejmišču 33

1231 Ljubljana

Matična številka: 5366569000

ID za DDV: 85190586 (v nadaljevanju: obdelovalec)



1. člen

(uvodne ugotovitve strank)

Pogodbeni stranki uvodoma ugotavljata:

§  da med njima obstaja pogodbeno razmerje na podlagi katerega obdelovalec upravljavcu zagotavlja svoje storitve (v nadaljevanju krovna pogodba);

§  da na podlagi zgornjega pogodbenega razmerja prihaja do obdelave osebnih podatkov upravljavca s strani obdelovalca;

§  da želita pogodbeni stranki celovito urediti medsebojne pravice in obveznosti glede varstva osebnih podatkov.

Pogodbeni stranki sklepata to pogodbo na podlagi 28. člena Uredbe (EU) 2016/679 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 27. aprila 2016 o varstvu posameznikov pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov in o prostem pretoku takih podatkov ter o razveljavitvi Direktive 95/46/ES (v nadaljevanju: Splošna uredba o varstvu podatkov ali GDPR).

Ta pogodba je kot priloga sestavni del splošnih pogojev za elektronske storitve bizBox, ki so v veljavi pri obdelovalcu.


2. člen

(opredelitev predmeta pogodbe)

Predmet te pogodbe je ureditev medsebojnih razmerij med upravljavcem in obdelovalcem osebnih podatkov glede varstva osebnih podatkov, ki se obdelujejo na podlagi krovne pogodbe.

Obdelovalec se zaveže obdelovati osebne podatke v obsegu in na način kot je določen s to pogodbo ali morebitnimi dodatnimi pisnimi navodili, ki jih obdelovalec prejme s strani upravljavca. Obdelovalec jamči, da bo ves čas trajanja te pogodbe ravnal skladno z določili veljavne zakonodaje s področja varstva osebnih podatkov.

Upravljavec osebnih podatkov jamči, da bo v obdelavo posredoval zgolj tiste osebne podatke, za katere ima ustrezno pravno podlago za obdelavo osebnih podatkov.


3. člen

(pravna podlaga)

Upravljavec je dolžan poskrbeti, da ima za vse osebne podatke, ki so predmet te pogodbe, ustrezno pravno podlago.

Upravljavec je dolžan pravno podlago zagotavljati ves čas trajanja krovne pogodbe.

4. člen

(nameni obdelave)

Upravljavec osebnih podatkov pooblašča obdelovalca za obdelavo osebnih podatkov, v mejah in obsegu, ki je potreben, za celovito in efektivno izpolnitev vseh pogodbenih obveznosti, ki izvirajo iz krovne pogodbe.

Obdelovalec sme obdelovati osebne podatke, ki so predmet te pogodbe izven opredeljenih namenov, kadar takšno obdelavo izrecno odredi upravljavec ali kadar je takšna obdelava nujna zaradi izpolnjevanja zakonskih obveznosti obdelovalca. Kadar obdelavo izven namenov, opredeljenih v drugem odstavku tega člena, zahteva upravljavec, je upravljavec dolžan podati dokumentirana navodila obdelovalcu. Obdelovalec pa mora biti, v primeru nadzora, sposoben izkazati obstoj takšnih navodil.

Obdelovalec bo obdeloval osebne podatke v imenu in za račun upravljavca. Obdelovalec teh osebnih podatkov ne sme obdelovati za svoj račun ali za račun tretjih oseb. Obdelovalec sme izjemoma obdelovati osebne podatke, ki so predmet te pogodbe, za svoj račun, kadar takšno obdelavo dopusti upravljavec.

5. člen

(obdelava osebnih podatkov)

Obdelava osebnih podatkov, ki jo izvaja obdelovalec poteka skladno s splošnimi pogoji poslovanja, morebitnimi pogoji uporabe in internimi dokumenti, ki veljajo pri obdelovalcu.  Obdelovalec je sprejel tudi politiko zasebnosti, v kateri podaja več informacij o obdelavi osebnih podatkov.

Obdelava osebnih podatkov bo potekala skladno s prejšnjim odstavkom, kadar upravljavec ne poda drugačnih dokumentiranih navodil obdelovalcu.

V primeru, da so dokumentirana navodila za obdelovalca neizvršljiva iz objektivnih razlogov (npr. zahtevajo uporabo strojne, programske ali aplikativne opreme, ki je obdelovalec ne nudi), obdelovalec o tem obvesti upravljavca. V kolikor upravljavec vztraja pri uporabi takšnih navodil ima obdelovalec pravico odstopiti od krovne pogodbe brez odpovednega roka. V tem primeru obdelovalec ne odgovarja za morebitno škodo upravljavca, ki bi nastala z odstopom.

Upravljavec je dolžan dokumentirana navodila posredovati v primernem roku, vendar ne kasneje kot 10 delovnih dni pred obdelavo osebnih podatkov s strani obdelovalca. Če upravljavec zamudi rok in posreduje navodila kasneje, jih obdelovalec ni dolžan upoštevati, če bi sledenje takšnim navodilom povzročilo dodatno delo za obdelovalca.

6. člen

(vrste osebnih podatkov)

Obdelovalec bo za namene izvajanja krovne pogodbe obdeloval različne kategorije osebnih podatkov, pri čemer obdelava variira glede na izvajanje posamičnih aktivnosti, potrebnih za izpolnjevanje obveznosti po krovni pogodbi. 

Pogodbeni stranki soglašata, da zaradi narave dela obdelovalca, ni mogoče vnaprej predvideti, katere kategorije osebnih podatkov bo obdeloval v času veljavnosti krovne pogodbe.

Za potrebe te pogodbe se šteje, da obdelovalec lahko obdeluje vse osebne podatke upravljavca, vendar zgolj v obsegu in na način, ki zajame kar najmanjši obseg osebnih podatkov.

Upravljavec se zavezuje po svojih najboljših močeh specificirati svoje zahteve in s tem prispevati k zamejitvi obdelave, do katere lahko pride zaradi izvajanja obveznosti po krovni pogodbi.


7. člen

(obveznosti upravljavca)

Upravljavec je dolžan posredovati oz. omogočiti dostop obdelovalcu do tistih osebnih podatkov, ki jih obdelovalec potrebuje za izpolnitev obveznosti krovne pogodbe.

Upravljavec je dolžan ves čas trajanja te pogodbe, zagotavljati obstoj zakonite pravne podlage za obdelavo osebnih podatkov, ki so predmet te pogodbe.

8. člen

(nadzor nad obdelavo)

Upravljavec ima pravico, da enkrat letno pri obdelovalcu opravi revizijo obdelave, ki jo izvaja obdelovalec po tej pogodbi.

Revizijo lahko upravljavec izvede sam ali pa izvedbo poveri zunanjemu revizorju. Obdelovalec je dolžan takšne revizije omogočiti in pri njih aktivno sodelovati.

Obdelovalec je dolžan upravljavcu predložiti vse informacije, ki so potrebne za dokazovanje izpolnjevanja svojih obveznosti, ki zanj izvirajo iz te pogodbe in GDPR.

V primeru, da obdelovalcu z izvedbo revizije nastanejo določeni stroški, je upravljavec dolžan te stroške v celoti povrniti obdelovalcu. Kot stroški revizije se štejejo: strošek porabljenega časa zaposlenih, ki so sodelovali pri reviziji in administrativni stroški (priprava kopij dokumentov, raba pisarniškega materiala ipd.)

Obdelovalec stroške iz prejšnjega odstavka obračuna ob izdaji računa za storitve opravljene po krovni pogodbi.

9. člen

(obveznosti obdelovalca)

Obdelovalec se zavezuje obdelovati osebne podatke, do katerih dostopa, skladno z vsemi veljavnimi predpisi s področja varstva osebnih podatkov, določili te pogodbe, vključno s prilogami, in morebitnimi dokumentiranimi navodili upravljavca.

Obdelovalec bo poskrbel za ustrezno varovanje osebnih podatkov. Varovanje obsega organizacijske, tehnične in logično-tehnične postopke in ukrepe, s katerimi se varujejo osebni podatki in s katerimi se preprečuje namerno ali nenamerno uničenje ali izbris podatkov, nepooblaščen dostop in obdelavo osebnih podatkov ter kakršnokoli obdelavo, ki ni skladna z določili te pogodbe. Ukrepi za varovanje so podrobneje opredeljeni v členu 10 te pogodbe.

Obdelovalec se obvezuje, da osebnih podatkov, ki so predmet te pogodbe ne bo iznašal v tretje države, razen če tak prenos zahteva veljavna zakonodaja, ki velja za obdelovalca. O vsakem takšnem prenosu bo obdelovalec obvestil upravljavca.

Obdelovalec je dolžan zagotoviti, da so vse osebe, ki so pri njem zaposlene oz. opravljajo delo na drugi pravni podlagi (pogodba o delu, avtorska pogodba ipd.) in bodo zaradi narave svojega dela obdelovale osebne podatke iz te pogodbe, zavezane k zaupnosti in varovanju osebnih podatkov.

V kolikor pride do kršitve 3. člena te pogodbe oz. obdelovalec sumi, da taka kršitev obstaja, ima obdelovalec dolžnost o tem obvestiti upravljavca. 

V kolikor pride do kršitve varstva osebnih podatkov na strani obdelovalca, je obdelovalec o takšni kršitvi dolžan nemudoma, vendar najkasneje v roku 24h ur, obvestiti upravljavca.

10. člen

(ukrepi za zavarovanje osebnih podatkov)

Pogodbeni stranki se zavezujeta, da zagotavljata ustrezne ukrepe za zavarovanje osebnih podatkov, skladno z veljavno zakonodajo s področja varstva osebnih podatkov.

Obdelovalec je dolžan varovati osebne podatke iz te pogodbe z ustreznimi ukrepi, preprečujejo namerno ali nenamerno uničenje ali izbris podatkov, nepooblaščen dostop in obdelavo osebnih podatkov, kamor sodijo predvsem:

§  ustrezno varovanje prostorov in programske opreme, s katero se obdelujejo osebni podatki;

§  omejitev dostopa do osebnih podatkov in preprečevanje nepooblaščenih dostopov;

§  zagotovitev varnega prenosa osebnih podatkov;

§  zagotovitev učinkovitega načina uničenja oz. izbrisa ali anonimizacije osebnih podatkov;

§  zagotavljanje varnostnih kopij;

§  zagotavljanje skladnosti storitev s certifikati.

Obdelovalec vse podatke hrani in obdeluje v Republiki Sloveniji in jih ne izvaža v tretje države.

Upravljavec potrjuje, da se je seznanil z organizacijskimi in tehničnimi postopki in ukrepi glede varovanja osebnih podatkov, ki jih uporablja obdelovalec in potrjuje, da so ti ukrepi zadostni, upoštevajoč njegove lastne zahteve glede varovanja osebnih podatkov in morebitna tveganja, ki izhajajo iz pogodbene obdelave.

11. člen

(podpogodbena obdelava)

Upravljavec podaja splošno soglasje obdelovalcu za angažiranje tretje osebe, kadar je to potrebno za izpolnitev obveznosti iz krovne pogodbe ali za podporne storitve, ki jih potrebuje obdelovalec.

Obdelovalec za obdelavo osebnih podatkov uporablja podpogodbene obdelovalce, kadar je naročniško razmerje sklenjeno preko Ponudnika. Termin Ponudnik nosi enak pomen kot je le-ta opredeljen v splošnih pogojih poslovanja.

Obdelovalec se zavezuje o vsakokratni nameravani spremembi drugega obdelovalca oz. uvedbi novega obdelovalca obvestiti upravljavca. Obdelovalec bo upravljavca obvestil v razumnem roku, vendar ne več kot 14 delovnih dni pred nameravano spremembo.

Upravljavec lahko takšni zamenjavi oz. uvedbi ugovarja. V kolikor obdelovalec, kljub ugovoru upravljavca, vztraja pri vključitvi drugega obdelovalca, ima upravljavec pravico odstopiti od pogodbe skladno s splošnimi pogoji in pogoji uporabe, ki urejajo to razmerje.

Ne glede na določbe 2. in 3. odstavka tega člena je obdelovalec upravičen angažirati novega obdelovalca, kadar je novi obdelovalec nujno potreben za izvedbo določene storitve po krovni pogodbi. Upravljavec ima pravico podati soglasje k takemu obdelovalcu, ko ga k podaji soglasja pozove obdelovalec.

Upravljavec soglaša, da zavrnitev soglasja k angažiranju novega obdelovalca po 4. odstavku tega člena lahko pomeni, da obdelovalec določene storitve ne bo mogel izvesti. Upravljavec soglaša, da se takšna neizvedba s strani obdelovalca ne šteje za neizpolnitev obveznosti po krovni pogodbi in se odpoveduje kakršnimkoli pravnim zahtevkom iz tega naslova.  

Obdelovalec bo s podpogodbenimi obdelovalci sklenil ustrezno pogodbo, s katero zagotovi, da bo podpogodbeni obdelovalec varoval osebne podatke, ki so predmet te pogodbe enako ali strožje kot je to določeno v tej pogodbi. Podpogodbeni obdelovalec je dolžan zagotavljati, da bo obdelava, ki jo izvaja, izpolnjevala  zahteve, ki jih predpisuje zakonodaja s področja varstva osebnih podatkov.

V primeru, da podpogodbeni obdelovalec ne izpolnjuje svojih obveznosti glede varovanja osebnih podatkov, obdelovalec v celoti odgovarja za kršitve drugega obdelovalca.

12. člen

(nudenje pomoči)

Obdelovalec bo pri obdelavi osebnih podatkov upravljavcu nudil informacije, svetovanje, pomoč in podporo pri izpolnjevanju upravljavčevih obveznosti glede pravic posameznikov, na katere se nanašajo osebni podatki.

Obdelovalčeva pomoč pri izpolnjevanju obveznosti glede zgoraj opredeljenih pravic posameznikov, na katere se nanašajo osebni podatki, je omejena na tiste osebne podatke, ki jih obdelovalec na podlagi te pogodbe obdeluje. Pri nudenju pomoči se upoštevajo tudi tehnične in organizacijske zmožnosti obdelovalca za izvedbo pomoči.

V primeru, da obdelovalec prejme zahtevo za izvršitev katere od posameznikovih pravic v zvezi z obdelavo osebnih podatkov, je obdelovalec dolžan takšno zahtevo nemudoma posredovati upravljavcu, ki je dolžan sprejeti in obdelati zahtevo.

Obdelovalec je dolžan na zahtevo upravljavca nuditi informacije, pomoč in podporo pri izpolnjevanju obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz izvedbe ocene učinka v zvezi z varstvom podatkov in morebitnega posvetovanja s pristojnim nadzornim organom.

Obdelovalec je dolžan v primeru kršitve varstva osebnih podatkov na zahtevo upravljavca nuditi informacije, pomoč in podporo pri izpolnjevanju obveznosti obveščanja pristojnega nadzornega organa in (kadar je to potrebno) posameznika, na katerega se osebni podatki nanašajo. 

Upravljavec je dolžan pomoč, opredeljeno v zgornjih odstavkih tega člena, zahtevati pisno, preko elektronske ali navadne pošte, na naslov gdpr@zzi.si, s pripisom varstvo osebnih podatkov. Upravljavec je dolžan opredeliti, kakšno pomoč od obdelovalca pričakuje ter specificirati morebiten rok za odgovor.

Obdelovalec nudi pomoč, opredeljeno v tem členu, v skladu s svojim cenikom storitev. Izjemo predstavlja pomoč, opredeljena v 5. odstavku tega člena, ki jo obdelovalec nudi brezplačno.

13. člen

(evidenca dejavnosti obdelave)

Obdelovalec je dolžan voditi evidenco dejavnosti obdelave za tiste osebne podatke, ki jih obdeluje na podlagi te pogodbe.

Evidenca obdelave vsebuje vsaj naziv in kontaktne podatke obdelovalca in upravljavca, kontaktne podatke njunih pooblaščenih oseb za varstvo podatkov (kadar takšna oseba obstaja), vrste obdelave, ki se izvaja in splošni opis tehničnih in organizacijskih zaščitnih ukrepov.

14. člen

(trajanje obdelave in izbris podatkov)

Obdelovalec je upravičen obdelovati osebne podatke iz te pogodbe v obdobju, za katerega je sklenjena krovna pogodba.

Obdelovalec mora prenehati z obdelavo, kadar za obdelavo ne obstaja pravna podlaga. O prenehanju pravne podlage za obdelavo obdelovalca obvesti upravljavec v roku 72ih ur, odkar je izvedel za prenehanje pravne podlage.

Obdelovalec je dolžan po zaključku storitev v zvezi z obdelavo osebnih podatkov oz. prenehanju krovne pogodbe brez nepotrebnega odlašanja, izbrisati ali vrniti vse osebne podatke, ki jih je obdeloval na podlagi te pogodbe, ter uničiti vse obstoječe kopije. Obdelovalec lahko zadrži kopije osebnih podatkov zgolj kadar je hramba takšnih osebnih podatkov predpisana z zakonom.


15. člen

(odgovornost pogodbenih strank)

Pogodbeni stranki za obdelavo osebnih podatkov odgovarjata skladno z veljavno zakonodajo, ki ureja varstvo osebnih podatkov in sta odgovorni za povrnitev kakršnekoli škode, ki nastane zaradi kršitev katerekoli izmed pogodbenih strank, upoštevajoč omejitve odgovornosti iz 3. in 4. odstavka tega člena.

Določbe te pogodbe v ničemer ne odrešujejo upravljavca njegovih obveznosti in odgovornosti, ki mu jih nalaga GDPR oz. katerakoli druga relevantna zakonodaja s področja varstva osebnih podatkov.  

V primeru kršitev določb te pogodbe s strani obdelovalca, je obdelovalec dolžan takšno kršitev odpraviti nemudoma oz. najkasneje v roku, ki mu ga postavi upravljavec. Obdelovalec je dolžan upravljavcu povrniti vso škodo, ki upravljavcu nastane zaradi kršitve obdelovalca, vendar zgolj do višine 3-kratnika zneska, ki ga je obdelovalec prejel kot plačilo za izvedbo storitev v mesecu pred nastankom škode.

Kadar upravljavcu nastane škoda zaradi kršitve podpogodbenega obdelovalca, sta tako podpogodbeni obdelovalec kot obdelovalec solidarno zavezana k povrnitvi takšne škode, vendar zgolj do višine 3-kratnika zneska, ki ga je obdelovalec prejel kot plačilo za izvedbo storitev v mesecu pred nastankom škode.

16. člen

(spremembe pogodbe)

Kakršnekoli spremembe te pogodbe, pogodbeni stranki določita sporazumno v obliki aneksa k pogodbi.

17. člen

(reševanje sporov)

Pogodbeni stranki bosta vse spore, ki bi izhajali iz te pogodbe, reševali sporazumno. V kolikor sporazumna rešitev spora ne bo mogoča, bo za reševanje sporov pristojno sodišče v Ljubljani.

18. člen

(veljavnost pogodbe)

Ta pogodba začne veljati z dnem sprejema splošnih pogojev poslovanja obdelovalca s strani upravljavca.


These Terms and Conditions have been drawn up in the Slovene language. In the event of any conflicts or discrepancies between the Slovene original and this translation, the Slovene version shall prevail.



1.   Table of contents

1.           Table of contents. 28

2.           Version history (since October 1, 2020). 31

3.           Preliminary provisions. 31

3.1       Information on the bizBox Owner and contact details. 32

3.2       Valid agreement. 32

4.           Definitions. 33

5.           Definition of services. 35

5.1       Use of Services. 35

5.2       Security and reliability of the service.. 35

5.3       Set of the bizBox Electronic Services. 35

5.4       Access to services and maintenance.. 36

5.5       Modifications and terminations of Services. 36

6.           Definition of the Subscription relationship.. 37

6.1       Subscription Agreement. 37

6.2       Billing methods and payment terms. 38

6.3       Complaints. 39

7.           Set-up and the use of Services. 39

7.1       Registration and the use of the bizBox Platform Access and the User Account  39

7.2       Obligations of the Subscriber. 40

7.3       Companies and Users. 41

7.4       User support. 42

7.5       Connected networks and systems. 42

8.           Termination of Subscription.. 42

8.1       Cancellation.. 42

8.2       Breaches. 42

9.           Disclaimer of liability.. 44

10.       Business secrets. 45

11.       Third party claims. 45

12.       Intellectual property protection.. 45

13.       Data protection.. 46

14.       Use of the website.. 46

15.       Final provisions. 46

16.       Appendix – Personal Data Processing Agreement. 49



2.   Version history (since October 1, 2020)

Date of version

Description of modifications


Version of revised General Terms and Conditions of 1 October 2020.


New Version history Section.

The term “Specific Terms” was replaced by “Terms and Conditions of use”.

In Section 3, it was added that the Personal Data Processing Agreement forms an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions.

In Section 6.2, the last Paragraph, stating that the subscriber shall have the right to withdraw certain consents (receipt of electronic invoices, publication in the directory), was added.

The appendix “Personal Data Processing Agreement” is added.


Summary of the most important modifications: updated terms' definitions, the option to subscribe by a proxy was added, user access of the company is changing to the bizBox platform access, ensuring a clearer distinction between company-wide access and individual users who have user accounts; amendments were made to the subscription agreement Section (6.1), the collection of eDocuments in the eMailbox was made mandatory (7.2), bizBox contacts were added, the Breaches Section (8.2) was amended, the Business Secrets Section was added, and, in the Personal Data Processing Agreement, we specified that the data is stored and processed in the Republic of Slovenia (8.2).


3.   Preliminary provisions

These General Terms and Conditions for bizBox Electronic Services (hereinafter referred to as the General Terms and Conditions) apply to all bizBox Electronic Services offered by the BizBox Owner and are outlined in these General Terms and Conditions.

These General Terms and Conditions are binding on all Subscribers, Companies, and Users of the bizBox Electronic Services (hereinafter also referred to as the Services). In addition to these General Terms and Conditions, Subscribers, Companies, and Users may also be bound by the terms and conditions of use that apply to a particular Service. Subscribers will be informed of the existence of any specific terms and conditions of use prior to entering a subscription relationship. The Personal Data Processing Agreement forms an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions. Acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions and the Terms and Conditions of Use (if applicable to the selected Service) is a precondition for the use of the bizBox Electronic Services.

3.1   Information on the bizBox Owner and contact details

The BizBox Owner, as well as the Owner and Provider of the bizBox Electronic Services covered under these General Terms and Conditions, is:

ZZI Svetovanje in inženiring, proizvodnja in prodaja programske opreme d.o.o.

Ljubljana, Pot k sejmišču 33

1231 Ljubljana – Črnuče


Registration number: 5366569000

VAT ID number: SI 85190586

The BizBox Owner is represented by Igor Zorko, Andrej Zorko, Ana Anka Zorko and Peter Zorko, each individually.

3.2   Valid agreement

By accepting the General Terms and Conditions, the Subscriber enters a Subscription Agreement with the Rights Holder. In the event that the Subscriber enters into a Subscription with the Provider, the Subscriber has to check all the Terms and Conditions of Use that the Provider has established for the use of the Services. The Subscriber's acceptance thereof constitutes a valid contractual relationship. Should the Subscriber enter a contractual relationship in the name and on behalf of a third party, the Subscriber must ensure that the Company fully complies with the General Terms and Conditions.

The Subscriber entering into a procurement relationship through a proxy is fully and individually responsible to ensure that it has a valid authorization to conclude the transaction. The BizBox Owner shall not be held liable for any damages incurred by the Subscriber or third parties on whose name and behalf the Subscriber (hereinafter also referred to as the Company) has entered into the contractual relationship. In the event that third parties bring any claims against the bizBox Owner, the Subscriber undertakes to immediately assume all such claims and to free the bizBox Owner from any liabilities and/or participation in the proceedings. The bizBox Owner undertakes to immediately inform the Subscriber, who has entered into the subscription relationship through a proxy, of any such claims.

Please read these General Terms and Conditions and the Terms and Conditions of Use (if applicable to the selected Service) carefully before subscribing. If you do not, in whole or in part, agree to these Terms and Conditions, you cannot use the bizBox Electronic Services.

The bizBox Electronic Services are provided on the “as is” basis; the BizBox Owner makes no guarantees or warranties of any kind, neither express nor implied, as to the ownership, trading, or any kind of the suitability for any purpose, for the Services. Under the Subscription Agreement, the Company is entitled to grant individual Users access within their bizBox Platform Access.

For more detailed definitions of individual parties, please refer to Section 4 (Definitions).

General use of the term Subscriber: In order to make these General Terms and Conditions transparent, clear and understandable, the term Subscriber will be used when speaking about the use of our Services; in the case of such general use, the term Subscriber shall also include Companies and Users.

4.   Definitions

These General Terms and Conditions employ certain expressions with specific meanings. To better understand these General Terms and Conditions, please carefully read the expressions below.

What is the subject matter of these General Terms and Conditions?

1.  bizBox Electronic Services (hereafter referred to as eServices) – a set of electronic services that enable users the use of formal eExchange and to conduct paperless transactions. The list of services offered by the BizBox Owner is available in the terms and conditions of use for each service offered by the bizBox Owner/Provider.

2.  Electronic exchange (hereafter referred to as eExchange) – the eExchange is a service of trusted exchange – receiving and sending – of electronic business documents that is conducted via a secure exchange network providing the traceability of channels and transactions within the network.

3.  bizBox Interfaces (hereafter referred to as Interfaces) – electronic Services can be accessed through different interfaces. bizBox interfaces allow the access to and the use of various functions (company and user registration, administration, B2B process support functions, etc.). bizBox interfaces can be web services, a website, an API, and others.

Who is who?

bizBox Owner - is the owner and holder of the licenses and intellectual property rights of the products defined in these General Terms and Conditions. The bizBox Owner is the company ZZI d.o.o.

Provider - is a legal entity (a business partner of the bizBox Owner) that has the right to offer and to act as an intermediary in the conclusion of subscriptions for the use of the bizBox Electronic Services based on their agreement with the bizBox Owner. The Provider shall determine the terms and conditions of use of individual bizBox Electronic Services independently and may impose additional terms and conditions for the use of bizBox Electronic Services which are not specified in these General Terms and Conditions on users who are legal entities. Each provider must fully comply with these General Terms and Conditions. The list of providers is published on the website at www.bizBox.eu.

Subscriber - is a legal entity that has concluded a valid subscription agreement with the bizBox Owner for the use of the Services in their own name and on their own behalf or on behalf of a specific Company (provided that it has the necessary authorization to conclude the subscription agreement and, if applicable, to use the services, from the Company).

Beneficiary Company - (hereinafter referred to as the Company) is a legal entity that uses the bizBox Electronic Services based on a subscription, assigns users within the scope of its bizBox Platform Access and is the addressee or issuer (originator) of electronic documents that are transmitted through the network. A Company may also be a Subscriber or another legal entity in cases where the Subscriber procures services based on an authorization.

User - is a natural person who uses bizBox Electronic Services based on the authorization provided by the Company.

Authorized Representative - is a legal representative or an authorized representative acting on a written authorization of the legal representative of the legal entity procuring or using the services that are the subject matter of these General Terms and Conditions.

Subscription - relationship is the relationship between the bizBox Owner and the Company.

Legal entity - is an entity that has the status of a legal entity under public or private law, or a legal entity registered as a company, sole trader, or another business entity (association, trade union, political party, and natural person performing a registered activity, or another business entity entered in a competent register or official record with a competent registration authority).

What technical terms do I need to understand?

Electronic Business Document - (hereinafter referred to as eDocument) – is a document and/or a data set that has been transmitted in electronic form and exchanged over an eExchange Network.

Qualified digital certificate - is a certificate in electronic form that links the relevant data to verify the electronic signature of a user (the certificate holder), and thereby authenticates his or her identity and meets the requirements of the applicable legislation.

Electronic Message (hereafter referred to as Message)- is a one-time data transmission consisting of an electronic envelope containing addressing and routing information and an eDocument.

bizBox eExchange Network - (hereafter referred to as the eExchange Network) is a network that enables the secure and reliable transfer of eDocuments between different connections of business users with traceability of transactions within the network.

Connected networks - are the networks to which the eExchange Network is interconnected, and enable  the exchange of eDocuments between the users of both networks. The conditions for connecting and exchanging as well as the functions differ from network to network and are part of the agreement between the managers of the networks. A list of connected networks and further information are available at www.bizBox.eu.

5.   Definition of services

5.1   Use of Services

The Subscriber may use the bizBox Electronic Services within the scope of the Subscription. To use the Services, registration via the Interface is required. Please see Section 7 of these General Terms and Conditions for detailed information on registration and bizBox Platform Access usage.

5.2   Security and reliability of the service

The Services are provided to the Subscriber “as they are”. The bizBox Owner shall ensure secure and reliable use of the Electronic Services of bizBox and the eExchange network within which the Subscribers are able to conduct paperless business.

The bizBox Owner has established and operates an information security management system and is certified in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001. The operation of the information security management system is based on a risk assessment, which is the basis for the selection of appropriate security measures and controls. The BizBox Owner manages all IT procurement, development and maintenance procedures in accordance with national and international standards. bizBox Electronic Services are available to the Subscriber 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, the Services are not available in exceptional cases when maintenance work is being carried out or when unforeseen events occur which would result in the Services being unavailable.

The bizBox Owner shall maintain the infrastructure in such condition and quality as to ensure the operation of the Services in accordance with the relevant technical standards and the Terms and Conditions set out in the Agreement.

5.3   Set of the bizBox Electronic Services

bizBox Owner offers different Electronic Services and allows the use of one eMailbox free of charge. The eMailbox is free of charge for every Company that registers with the bizBox Owner and accepts the General Terms and Conditions.

The eMailbox is an electronic mailbox of individual Companies that provides the trusted receipt, tracking, and examination of the exchange of electronic documents and short-term (twelve (12) months following the receipt of a document in the mailbox) storage of exchanged documents. The eMailbox is available through the Interfaces. A Company has one eMailbox. The use of the eMailbox is free of charge upon the acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions.

In addition to the free Services, the BizBox Owner offers additional, payable Services. The description and the methods of operation of individual bizBox eServices is available at www.bizbox.eu. For paid bizBox eServices, additional terms of use may apply. They form an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions and are available at the bizBox Owner/Provider.

5.4   Access to services and maintenance

The bizBox Owner shall use its best efforts to ensure the smooth operation of the Services, however, the Services may nevertheless be affected by interruptions, malfunctions, or be temporarily inaccessible.

Network errors or malfunctions may occur during the provision of services. The bizBox Owner shall resolve errors and malfunctions reported by the Subscriber and/or detected by the bizBox Owner as soon as possible. The Subscriber acknowledges that it is possible that the Electronic Services may not be available for use while errors or malfunctions are being resolved.

The bizBox Owner will, where possible due to the nature of the error or malfunction, give advance notice of the repair.

In the event of a defect or malfunction caused by the Subscriber's conduct, the bizBox Owner shall resolve such error or malfunction within the scope of a separate agreement with the Subscriber, which shall also specify the costs of the repair of the error or malfunction to be borne in full by the Subscriber.

bizBox owner regularly maintains the infrastructure necessary for the functioning of the Services. Maintenance works shall be carried out after prior notification of the Subscribe via their contact details at least 48 hours prior to the planned intervention and shall generally be carried out on Saturdays, Sundays, or outside the working hours from 22:00 to 6:00. In exceptional cases, where the nature of the maintenance work or the organization of work at the bizBox Owner requires it, maintenance work may also be carried out outside the hours specified in this Paragraph.

5.5   Modifications and terminations of Services

bizBox Owner reserves the right to modify the set of Electronic Services by complementing, modifying, or completely removing (i.e. terminating) certain Services. In case of technological modifications and/or termination of individual functionalities of the Services, the bizBox Owner shall notify the Subscribers of such modifications at least sixty (60) days prior to the implementation of the modification. The bizBox Owner shall announce the termination of any of the Services at least one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to their termination.

In cases where modifications and additions to the Services made by the bizBox Owner do not affect the operation of the Services of the individual Subscriber, such modifications will not be communicated to the Subscriber by the bizBox Owner.

The Subscriber expressly acknowledges that it is aware of the possible modifications to the Services as set out above during the Subscription period. In the event of the termination of the Service in whole or in part, the Subscription shall terminate upon the expiry of the termination period specified by the bizBox Owner in the notice specified in Paragraph 1 of this Section of the General Terms and Conditions.

However, in the event of a modification of the Service, the Subscriber shall have the option to continue their Subscription under new terms and conditions to include the new modifications or to terminate the Subscription within the period specified in the preceding Paragraph. In case the Subscriber remains passive until the expiry of the period laid down in Paragraph 1, the Subscriber shall be deemed to have agreed to the changed terms and conditions and the Subscription shall continue in accordance with the new terms and conditions. Please note that such a change may also affect the liability for payment for the Services.

The Subscriber shall not be entitled to any compensation in the event of temporary or permanent discontinuation of the Service. Neither shall the Subscriber have the right to require the BizBox Owner to maintain a particular Service or to allow the Subscriber to use a particular Service without the intended modification. The modifications and terminations defined in this Section of the General Terms and Conditions shall not constitute the basis for any claims for damages that could arise to the Subscribers as a result of the modification or termination.

6.   Definition of the Subscription relationship

6.1   Subscription Agreement

The contractual relationship between the bizBox Owner and the Subscriber is set out in the General Terms and Conditions, the Terms and Conditions of Use applicable to individual bizBox Electronic Services, and the respective valid Service Price List. In the event that the Subscriber enters into a subscription relationship through the Provider, the Subscriber shall be deemed to have entered into a contractual relationship directly with the bizBox Owner. The Provider may offer the Subscriber their own terms and conditions of use, which shall not be in conflict with these General Terms and Conditions. In the event of a conflict between the Provider's terms and conditions of use and these General Terms and Conditions, the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions shall prevail. The General Terms and Conditions may be complemented by separate agreements between the bizBox Owner and the Subscriber. Where separate agreements are inconsistent with these General Terms and Conditions or the Terms and Conditions of Use, the provisions of the separate agreements shall prevail.

The Subscriber shall be obliged to comply with all obligations arising from these General Terms and Conditions, the Terms and Conditions of Use (if applicable to the selected Service), and any separate agreements throughout the period of the Subscription.

The Subscriber shall have the right to modify the Subscription at any time by notifying the bizBox Owner. In the event of a modification of the Subscription, the provisions on termination of the Subscription as defined in Section 8 of these General Terms and Conditions shall apply mutatis mutandis.  Modifications of the Subscription, which are made at the request of the Subscriber, may be subject to additional terms and conditions of use imposed by the bizBox Owner. The Subscriber is obliged to acquaint himself with any additional terms of use and to accept them in full before the modifications of the subscription take effect.

By entering into this Subscription Agreement, the bizBox Owner, as the Licensor, grants the Subscriber a non-transferable, non-exclusive right to use the Electronic Services of bizBox for an unlimited period of time in the manner and to the extent specified in the General Terms and Conditions, the Terms and Conditions of Use and other documents defining this Subscription Agreement.

By concluding this subscription, the Subscriber shall acquire the right to use the bizBox electronic solutions solely and exclusively to the above-defined extent. The bizBox Owner shall remain the exclusive holder of the rights in relation to the bizBox Electronic Services, including but not limited to: copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, and ownership rights. The Subscriber undertakes to refrain from any conduct that may in any way limit or compromise the rights of the bizBox Owner.

This license does not grant any right of sublicense to the Subscriber, nor shall the Subscriber be entitled to reverse engineer, or use the source code (including renting, modifying, distributing, etc.) for any purpose beyond the bare use as defined in these General Terms and Conditions.

6.2   Billing methods and payment terms

This Section shall not apply if the Subscriber uses free services.

bizBox Owner shall charge for the provided services in accordance with the applicable valid price lists. The provided services may also be invoiced to the Subscribers by the Provider who has an agreement on invoicing the final Subscribers with the bizBox Owner.

The Subscriber must settle their liabilities within eight (8) days of invoicing. In the event that the Subscriber has not received the invoice for the services delivered in the previous month by the 15th day of the month, the Subscriber is obliged to notify the bizBox Owner about this. Should the Subscriber fail to do so, it shall be deemed to have received the invoice on the working day following the day of sending the invoice. In the event of late payment, the bizBox Owner may charge the Subscriber the costs of reminders as well as any late payment interests as prescribed by the law.

6.3   Complaints

This Section shall not apply if the Subscriber uses free services.

The Subscriber shall be obliged to dispute the invoice within eight (8) days of the date of issue. In case of failing to do so, it shall be deemed to have fully accepted the content and the amount of the invoice. The bizBox Owner shall respond to such objections within fifteen (15) days of their receipt. The bizBox Owner shall examine each such complaint and provide an explanation of the amount invoiced, either rejecting the complaint or accepting the complaint and issuing a new and appropriate invoice for the provided Services. If the bizBox Owner rejects the complaint by means of a reasoned justification, the complaint procedure is deemed to be closed and the Subscriber shall be obliged to pay the full amount of the Services as indicated on the invoice in question.

7.   Set-up and the use of Services

7.1   Registration and the use of the bizBox Platform Access and the User Account

The Subscriber shall obtain the right to use the Services upon registering for the use of bizBox Electronic Services. Registration is a precondition for the use of the Services. Once registered, the Company is assigned a bizBox Platform Access, through which it can use the Services that are the subject matter of the Subscription Relationship. Within the bizBox Platform Access, the Company is authorized to grant rights and access to Users who will use the Services in its name and on its behalf.

The User Account can only be created if the user provides us with their personal data. Please refer to the Privacy Policy for all the information on personal data processing.

The bizBox Owner reserves the right to refuse any registration requests if the email address the user wishes to register with is already in the database of bizBox Owner. The bizBox Owner also reserves the right to refuse the use of usernames that impersonate other persons, are offensive, discriminatory, infringe on intellectual property rights, or could incite violence. The judgment of whether a username meets the above criteria is entirely within the bizBox Owner’s discretion.

Upon registration, an eMailbox is automatically generated for the Company to receive their eDocuments. The Company may deactivate this function at any time by notifying the bizBox Owner in writing to the contact email address at subscriptions@bizbox.eu.

Upon successful registration, the bizBox Owner shall enter the Company in the directory of eMailbox owners and the Slovene National eCommerce Register (Nacionalni register ePoslovanja Slovenije), and thereby inform their own and the connected networks about the possibility of exchanging eDocuments with the Company.

7.2   Obligations of the Subscriber

The Subscriber shall be fully responsible for all activities carried out with its bizBox Platform Access, regardless of whether the User Account has been accessed by a third party. It is the responsibility of each Subscriber to ensure that all of their activities in the context of using the Services are lawful.

The Subscriber must ensure responsiveness in the use of the bizBox Electronic Services, which includes in particular the collection of the received eDocuments. The Subscriber undertakes to regularly collect the documents sent by the Senders to their eMailbox. Failure to comply with this obligation constitutes a breach of these General Terms and Conditions and may be sanctioned by deactivation of the function of receiving eDocuments into the eMailbox. The BizBox Owner shall not be held liable for the consequences of failure to collect eDocuments in the eMailbox. The bizBox Owner reserves their right to rate the recipients of eDocuments with regard to the frequency of collecting the received eDocuments and to make the ratings available to the senders of eDocuments.

The User is obliged to set a password for access to the User Account. The User is obliged to carefully protect the password information and other authentication methods, should they be used.  The User is obliged to ensure that the password is stored securely and must not disclose it to third parties. The User shall be held fully liable for any damage resulting from the disclosure of the password to a third party. For the purposes of this provision, third parties shall also include Companies and Users to whom the password has been disclosed and who have been able to access the Services. The bizBox Owner shall not be liable for any damages arising from the disclosure of the password and/or the granting of access by the User.

The Subscriber must notify the bizBox Owner of any unauthorized access to its User Account and/or password of which it has knowledge without undue delay.

The Subscriber must ensure adequate hardware, software, and internet connection for the uninterrupted use of the Services.

The Subscriber must communicate any changes to his registration and contact details promptly and at the latest within 8 days of such change. The Subscriber must provide documents demonstrating the changed data or conditions. Pending receipt of the notification, the Subscriber's existing data shall be deemed to be accurate and complete. In the event of late notification, the Subscriber shall be liable for all consequences of late notification.

The Subscriber expressly confirms that it will notify the BizBox Owner in advance of any deletion of the Subscriber or the Company and will arrange for the transfer of the eDocuments stored in their bizBox Platform Access. The bizBox Owner will block the bizBox Platform Access within 30 days of the date of the receipt of the notification and permanently delete all eDocuments that would have remained on bizBox Platform Access at the time of deletion, including all metadata. Failure to notify constitutes a breach of these General Terms and Conditions and results in the deletion of the bizBox Platform Access. If the Subscriber fails to provide prior notification, the bizBox Owner will then delete the inactive bizBox Platform Access within 30 days of the detection of the deletion of the entity by the bizBox Owner.

The Subscriber warrants that:

§  it will permit the publication of their eMailbox address in the directory kept by the bizBox Owner and in the national Slovene eBusiness registry,

§  any eDocuments addressed to them and sent from any company within the eExchange Network or a connected network may be forwarded electronically to their eMailbox,

§  it will handle these eDocuments equally to those received by other means (post, courier, delivery, etc.),

§  this consent is equivalent to the consent for the use of an electronic invoice as prescribed by Article 84 of the Slovene Value Added Tax Act for the recipients of electronic invoices in Slovenia.

The Subscriber has the right to refuse the publication of their bizBox Mailbox address in the bizBox Owner's directory and the national Slovene eBusiness registry, and to refuse the electronic forwarding of eDocuments addressed to them and sent from any User of the eExchange Network or a connected network to their bizBox Mailbox. The Subscriber must submit their withdrawal of the consent in writing to the bizBox Owner at narocnine@bizbox.eu. The bizBox Owner shall carry out the withdrawal of the consent no later than within five (5) working days from the receipt of the Subscriber's written withdrawal request.

7.3   Companies and Users

As part of the use of the Services, the Subscriber has the option to assign Users to access and operate the Services. Each Company shall be individually responsible for the proper use of the Services by their own Users.

The User who is the first to register with the Company is assigned the role of administrator, who may authorize other Users to use the bizBox Electronic Services so that it can use the bizBox Electronic Services in the name and on behalf of that Subscriber, whereby the administrator may delegate the administrator's rights to another User. Each Subscriber shall have at least one User with the role of administrator. Under these General Terms and Conditions, the Administrator is also defined as the primary contact person of the Company or the Subscriber, as the case may be.

The Subscriber must ensure that the person registered as an administrator with the respective Company is appropriate. In the event that the Subscriber wants to revoke the registered administrator and appoint another one, the Subscriber must contact the bizBox Owner.

7.4   User support

Users are provided with support services. These are usually provided through the email address published on the bizBox Portal. The bizBox Owner has no obligation to provide support for the use of the freely accessible bizBox Electronic Services.

The bizBox Owner must only act on support requests made via the bizBox Owner's support contact (support@bizbox.eu) and/or the Provider's support contacts that are made available to the Subscriber.

User support may vary depending on the individual Service. Please also read the terms and conditions of use for the individual Service carefully.

7.5   Connected networks and systems

The bizBox Owner allows the connection to certain Connected Networks and systems within the scope of the use of their Electronic Services. A list of Connected Networks and systems is available at www.bizbox.eu.

Establishing an interoperable connection to a particular network and the transfer of eDocuments between individual networks may involve certain set-up costs and/or costs of transfer.

8.   Termination of Subscription

8.1   Cancellation

bizBox Owner and Subscriber may terminate the Subscription relationship in writing without specifying a reason, with a 30 (thirty) day notice period. The Services shall be terminated as of that date. In cases where the Subscriber uses the Services that are subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use, the latter may impose a different notice period. In the event that such Terms and Conditions of Use are applicable, the notice period specified in the Terms and Conditions of Use shall prevail.

The bizBox Owner may terminate the Subscription without notice in the event that the Subscriber and/or the Company is in the process of bankruptcy or liquidation. In such events, the bizBox Owner notifies the Subscriber of the termination of the Subscription and sets a deadline for the Subscriber to download their eDocuments.

8.2   Breaches

The bizBox Owner may temporarily suspend the provision of the Services to the Subscriber in the following cases:

§  failure to comply with the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and/or the Terms and Conditions of Use applicable to the Subscriber; or

§  the use of the Services by the Subscriber in violation of the applicable law; or

§  the non-payment of undisputed outstanding obligations by the Subscriber within fifteen (15) days of the date of the receipt of the reminder.

8.2.1. Freezing the bizBox Platform Access

The bizBox Owner reserves the right to impose sanctions for breaches by temporarily deactivating the Services provided to the Subscriber (freezing the bizBox Platform Access), as defined below.

The bizBox Owner will notify the Subscriber of the breach and specify the reasons for the deactivation of the Subscriber's Services at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the freezing of the Subscriber's bizBox Platform Access. The bizBox Owner will provide the Subscriber with the deadline to remedy the breach in a written notice. If the Subscriber remedies all the breaches that have caused the temporary deactivation of the Services within the period set for remedying the breaches, the bizBox Owner shall reactivate the Services. The bizBox Owner shall reactivate the Services no later than seven (7) days after the date on which the breaches are determined to have been remedied.

In the event of freezing of the bizBox Platform Access as a result of the Subscriber's breach, the bizBox Owner shall be entitled to payment of the full subscription fee (in the case of use of a paid Service), regardless of whether or not the Subscriber's access to the Electronic Services has been disabled. Non-payment of the full amount of the subscription fee will constitute a repeated breach and will result in the termination of the subscription without notice as defined in this Section of the General Terms and Conditions.

If the Subscriber fails to remedy the breaches within the set period, the Subscription Agreement shall terminate with the date of expiry of the period for remedying the breaches.

In the event that the Subscriber repeats the breach of the General Terms and Conditions following the reactivation of their Subscription after the breach has been remedied, the bizBox Owner shall have the right to terminate the Subscription without notice.

8.2.2. Termination for breach by the Subscriber

The bizBox Owner has the right to terminate the Agreement in the event of a breach by the Subscriber. The bizBox Owner reserves the right to exercise its sole discretion as to whether the breach is of such a nature as to require the freezing of the bizBox Platform Access or whether the breach is of such a nature as to require the termination of the Agreement with the Subscriber.

Should the bizBox Owner decide that the breach is of such a nature as to require termination of the Agreement, the bizBox Owner shall notify the Subscriber of such decision in writing and shall set the Subscriber a written deadline for remedying the breach, which shall not be shorter than seven (7) business days.

If the Subscriber fails to remedy the breach within the set time period, the bizBox Owner may terminate the Agreement without notice.

The bizBox Owner shall inform the Subscriber of the termination of the Subscription relationship in writing in any event and shall invite the Subscriber to collect their eDocuments within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice. The Subscriber must download all their eDocuments from the bizBox Platform Access within the 30-day period. During this 30-day period, the Subscriber shall only be allowed to collect the eDocuments. Upon the expiration of this period, the bizBox Owner shall permanently delete all eDocuments of the Subscriber, including the associated metadata.

9.   Disclaimer of liability

Having regard to the limitations of liability set out in these General Terms and Conditions, the BizBox Owner further elaborates as follows below.

By deciding to use our Services, you acknowledge that you are doing so voluntarily and at your own risk. The Services are provided “as they are” without any kind of warranty, either express or implied. All limitations of liability set out in this Section or anywhere in these Terms and Conditions and any applicable terms and conditions of use shall apply to the fullest extent permissible by law.

The bizBox Owner does not warrant the functioning of the Services, nor does it warrant that the Services will be free of any defects, viruses, or any virus-like malware. Furthermore, the bizBox Owner does not warrant that the information published on their website is accurate and complete. The bizBox Owner shall not be held liable for any damages whatsoever, including but not limited to: direct, indirect or consequential damages that may arise or originate from the use of the Services.

In the event that you decide to use our Services, you expressly agree that such use is at your own risk and that you bear all risks associated with the use of the Services, including, but not limited to, the failure to store, download, or otherwise use the Services. This exclusion applies to the fullest extent permissible by law.

The bizBox Owner shall not be held liable for the content of the sent or received eDocuments, nor shall it assume any liability for damages that may arise from the content and/or characteristics of a particular eDocument. The Subscriber assumes full responsibility for the content of the eDocuments sent via the Network as well as for the content of the eDocuments received on their bizBox Mailbox. The Subscriber also assumes full responsibility for any damage that may arise from the characteristics of the eDocument, including any harmful content contained in the eDocument. The Subscriber acknowledges that the use of the Electronic Services may result in damage to their hardware or software, and expressly acknowledges that it is solely responsible for any damage to such equipment as well as any direct, indirect, consequential, or any other damages arising from the use of the bizBox Electronic Services.

In the event that the Subscriber enters into a Subscription for more than one Company, the Subscriber must obtain the relevant authorizations for each of the Companies. The bizBox Owner shall not be held liable for any damages incurred by the Company and/or the Subscriber in the event that the Subscriber has failed to obtain the appropriate authorization from the Company. The Subscriber shall be fully liable for any such damage.

10.     Business secrets

The Electronic Services of bizBox are protected by the copyright and ownership rights reserved by the bizBox Owner and constitute a business secret of the bizBox Owner. The Subscriber, as well as any Company, undertakes to protect the electronic solutions of bizBox as confidential with the same level of diligence as it exercises in their own business operations.

11.     Third party claims

The Subscriber is obliged to defend the bizBox Owner against any claims from third parties, including claims that may be brought against the bizBox Owner by Companies and/or Users accessing the Services within the scope of their Subscription.

The bizBox Owner shall notify the Subscriber of any such claim, who is then obligated to promptly intervene and pursue the claim in lieu of the bizBox Owner. If the bizBox Owners have incurred any costs (including reasonable legal assistance expenses) prior to the Subscriber taking over the process, the Subscriber shall reimburse the bizBox Owners for such costs in full.

12.     Intellectual property protection

acquire any copyright, ownership rights, or intellectual property rights over the Services. The Services are in the exclusive ownership of the bizBox Owner who may dispose of them without any restrictions. The bizBox Owner is also the exclusive owner and holder of all distinctive signs and other intellectual property rights used in connection with the Services. The Subscriber may only use the Services in the context of the Subscription, and the use of the Services shall in no event grant the Subscriber any intellectual property rights or copyrights over the Services and/or the distinctive signs used by the bizBox Owner. Nothing in these General Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted in such a way as to confer on the Subscriber any right, ownership, Intellectual property right, or copyright right, over the Services and the related distinctive signs used by the bizBox Owner.

The data, images, text, and any other materials (hereinafter referred to as eDocuments) created by the Subscriber using the Services are owned exclusively by the Subscriber. The bizBox Owner does not have any intellectual property rights, copyright, or ownership rights over these eDocuments. All rights shall be reserved exclusively to the Subscriber. The Subscriber shall be fully responsible and bear the burden of proving that the eDocuments of the Subscriber are their property or that the Subscriber has the corresponding right to use, transfer, or otherwise modify them by using the Services. The bizBox Owner shall not be held liable in any way for any breaches by the Subscriber in the context of the use of the Services arising from the Subscriber's eDocuments.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Subscriber agrees that the bizBox Owner may publish the Subscriber's logo on its website as a reference. The Subscriber has the right to request the removal of the logo from the bizBox Owner's website at any time.

13.     Data protection

Personal data processing is an inevitable part of the provision of the Services by the bizBox Owner. For information on the processing of personal data in the provision of the Services please refer to bizBox Privacy Policy.

In order to verify the authenticity of personal data provided at the time of registration and/or later modification, the Controller may verify the accuracy of such data with any authority, institution, employer, bank, or another personal data controller.

14.     Use of the website

The bizBox Owner is the owner and operator of the www.bizBox.eu and www.zzi.si websites. The bizBox Owner is the exclusive owner of both websites and all materials (regardless of their format) appearing on the websites. The websites are provided “as they are” and the bizBox Owner shall not be held liable for any damages that may arise from the use and/or the malfunctioning of the websites.

All contents of the websites www.bizBox.eu and www.zzi.si including their subdomains are provided solely for informational purposes and do not constitute any obligation on the part of the bizBox Owner.

15.     Final provisions

Concluded Agreement. These General Terms and Conditions, together with the order for the Services made through the website (www.bizbox.eu and www.zzi.si) and all subpages of these websites, constitute an Agreement concluded between the Rights Holder and the Subscriber. If the bizBox Owner and the Subscriber enter into a separate agreement, the provisions of the separate agreement shall prevail over the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions and the Terms and conditions of use.

Severability of provisions. Should any of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions (in whole or in part) be found to be unlawful, void, or otherwise invalid, such provision shall be considered deleted (in whole or in part) and the rest of these General Terms and Conditions shall remain valid.

Full legal capacity. The Subscriber warrants that it has full capacity to assume the rights and obligations arising under these General Terms and Conditions, the Terms and Conditions of Use, and any separate arrangements. It warrants that it does not require the consent or approval of any third party to perform its obligations under these General Terms and Conditions or, in the event that such approval is required, that it is in possession thereof.

Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. By signing these General Terms and Conditions, the Subscriber/Company confirms that it has read and fully understood them, in particular in the part stipulating the established limitations of liability.

Governing law. These General Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the law of the Republic of Slovenia.

Settlement of disputes. The Parties to this Agreement shall resolve any disputes amicably. If this is not possible, the courts of the Republic of Slovenia shall have exclusive jurisdiction in all disputes arising out of these General Terms and Conditions.

Force majeure. The bizBox Owner shall not be held liable for any damage whatsoever incurred as a result of force majeure. Force majeure shall be understood as any event that is unforeseeable and beyond the control of the bizBox Owner. Force majeure includes, but is not limited to natural disasters, war and states of emergency, power failures, strikes, etc. The bizBox Owner shall immediately notify the Subscriber of the occurrence of such event and shall set an indicative time period for remedying the consequences of the force majeure.  

Modifications of Terms and Conditions. The Subscriber/Company shall not have the right to modify or waive, in whole or in part, any provision of these Terms and Conditions and/or the Terms and Conditions of Use. The bizBox Owner shall have the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time. All modifications will be posted on the bizBox Owner's website. If the Subscriber/Company continues to use the Services after the modifications have taken effect, the Subscriber/Company will be deemed to have accepted all the modifications. Should the Subscriber/Company disagree with the modifications, it shall have the right to withdraw within 30 days of the date of effectiveness of the modification.

Entire Agreement. These Terms and Conditions, together with the individual Terms and Conditions of Use applicable to the individual Service, constitute the entire agreement between the contracting parties. Any prior arrangements or negotiations, whether written or oral, are superseded in their entirety by these Terms and Conditions.

Language versions. These General Terms and Conditions are made in the Slovenian language. Any version of these General Terms and Conditions in some other language has been created to facilitate the access to the General Terms and Conditions. You herewith agree to and fully understand that in the event of any disputes, the Slovene version of the Terms and Conditions shall prevail.

Definition of terms. All capitalized terms used in these Terms and Conditions shall have the meanings as defined at the top of these General Terms and Conditions and, where applicable, the terms of use for individual Services.

Applicable version. These General Terms and Conditions are applicable as of February 01, 2024.




16.     Appendix – Personal Data Processing Agreement




(hereinafter referred to as the Controller)


ZZI d.o.o.

Pot k sejmišču 33

1231 Ljubljana


Registration number: 5366569000

VAT ID No.: 85190586 (hereinafter referred to as the Processor)



Article 1

(preliminary findings of the Parties)

The Parties to this Agreement initially find that:

§  there is a contractual relationship between them based on which the Processor shall provide its services to the Controller (hereinafter referred to as Master Agreement);

§  based on the above contractual relationship, the Controller’s personal data is processed by the Processor;

§  the Parties to this Agreement seek to regulate their rights and obligations regarding personal data protection in a comprehensive manner.

The contracting parties hereby enter this Agreement based on Article 28 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as General Data Protection Regulation or the GDPR).

This Agreement constitutes, as an appendix, an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions for the bizBox Electronic Services that are applied by the Processor.


Article 2

(definition of the subject matter of the Agreement)

The subject of this Agreement shall be the regulation of mutual relations between the personal data Controller and Processor concerning the protection of the personal data being processed based on the Master Agreement.

The Processor undertakes to process personal data within the scope and in the manner laid down herein or in any additional written instructions received by the Processor from the Controller. The Processor warrants that it will act as stipulated by the provisions of the applicable legislation governing personal data protection throughout the term of this Agreement.

The personal data Controller warrants that it will send for processing only the personal data for which it holds the relevant legal basis for personal data processing.


Article 3

(legal basis)

The Controller shall be obliged to make sure that it has a relevant legal basis for all personal data subject to this Agreement.

The Controller shall be obliged to provide the legal basis throughout the term of the Master Agreement.

Article 4

(purposes of processing)

The personal data Controller hereby authorizes the Processor to process personal data within the limitations and scope needed for the overall and effective fulfillment of all contractual obligations deriving from the Master Agreement.

The Processor may process the personal data subject to this Contract outside the scope of the defined purposes, where such processing is expressly ordered by the Controller or where such processing is required for the fulfillment of the Processor’s legal obligations. Where the processing outside the scope of the purposes laid down in Paragraph 2 of this Article is requested by the Controller, the Controller shall be obliged to provide documented instructions to the Processor. The Processor, however, must be, in the event of an inspection, able to prove the existence of such instructions.

The Processor will process personal data in the name and on behalf of the Controller. The Processor cannot process such personal data for its own account or the account of third parties. As an exception to this, the Processor may, in cases where such processing has been previously permitted by the Controller, process the personal data subject to this Agreement for its own account.

Article 5

(personal data processing)

The personal data processing conducted by the Processor shall be executed according to the General Terms and Conditions, any terms of use, and internal documents applied by the Processor. The Processor has also adopted a Privacy Policy providing more information on personal data processing.

Personal data processing will be executed according to the previous Paragraph unless the Controller provides different documented instructions to the Processor.

If the Processor’s documented instructions are unenforceable for objective reasons (e.g. requiring the use of hardware, software, or application software not provided by the Processor), the Processor shall inform the Controller thereof. If the Controller insists on the use of such instructions, the Processor shall have the right to withdraw from the Master Agreement without the notice period. In such case, the Processor shall not be held liable for any damages incurred by the Controller due to the withdrawal. Any withdrawal shall be, mutatis mutandis, subject to the provisions.

The Controller shall be obliged to send documented instructions within a reasonable period, but no later than 10 working days before the Processor starts processing personal data. If the Controller misses the deadline and sends its instructions later, the Processor shall not be obliged to observe them if compliance with such instructions would result in additional workload for the Processor.

Article 6

(categories of personal data)

For the purposes of performing the Master Agreement, the Processor will process various categories of personal data, whereby the processing may vary with respect to the execution of individual activities needed for the fulfillment of obligations under the Master Agreement.

The Parties to this Agreement agree that it is impossible, with respect to the nature of the Processor’s work, to foresee what categories of personal data will be processed during the term of the Master Agreement.

For the purposes of this Agreement, it shall be deemed that the Processor may process all of the Controller’s personal data, but solely within the scope and in the manner covering the minimum volume of personal data.

The Controller undertakes to make its best effort to specify its requirements, thus contributing to the delineation of processing that may take place due to the fulfillment of obligations under the Master Agreement.



Article 7

(obligations of the Controller)

The Controller shall be obliged to grant or enable the Processor access to the personal data needed by the Processor to fulfill its obligations deriving from the Master Agreement.

The Controller shall be obliged to provide a lawful legal basis for the processing of the personal data subject to this Agreement throughout the term of this Agreement.

Article 8

(supervision of processing)

The Controller has the right to perform an audit of processing rendered by the Processor hereunder at its premises.

The audit may be conducted by the Controller alone or may be outsourced to an external auditor. The Processor shall be obliged to enable such audits and take an active part in them.

The Processor shall be obliged to submit to the Controller all information necessary to prove the fulfillment of its obligations deriving from this Agreement and GDPR.

If the Processor incurs any costs upon the execution of an audit, the Controller shall be obliged to reimburse such costs to the Processor in full. Audit costs shall be deemed to be the cost of man-hours spent during an audit and administrative costs (preparation of copies of documents, use of office supplies, etc.).

The Processor shall charge the costs referred to in the previous Paragraph upon the issuance of an invoice for the services rendered under the Master Agreement.

Article 9

(obligations of the Processor)

The Processor undertakes to process personal data to which it has access pursuant to all applicable regulations governing personal data protection, the provisions of this Agreement, including any and all appendices, and any documented instructions provided by the Controller.

The Processor will make sure that personal data is properly safeguarded. The security shall encompass organizational, technical, and logical-technical procedures and measures to protect personal data and prevent deliberate or accidental destruction or deletion of data, unauthorized access, and personal data processing as well as any processing that is not in line with the provisions of this Agreement. Security measures are defined in detail in Article 10 hereunder.

The Processor undertakes not to transmit the personal data subject to this Agreement to third countries unless such transmission is required by the legislation applicable to the Processor. The Processor will inform the Controller of any such transmission.

The Processor shall be obliged to ensure that all persons in its employment or performing work on some other legal basis (work agreement, copyright agreement, etc.) who will process the personal data subject to this Agreement within the scope of their duties and tasks are bound by the obligation of confidentiality and personal data protection.

In case of a breach of Article 3 of this Agreement or if the Processor suspects any such breach, the Processor shall be obliged to inform the Controller thereof. 

In case of a breach of personal data protection on the part of the Processor, the Processor shall be obliged to inform the Controller thereof immediately, but no later than within 24 hours.

Article 10

(measures to protect personal data)

The Parties to this Agreement undertake to provide appropriate measures to protect personal data pursuant to the applicable legislation governing personal data protection.

The Processor shall be obliged to safeguard the personal data subject to this Agreement by way of appropriate measures preventing deliberate or accidental destruction or deletion of data, unauthorized access, and personal data processing, which primarily includes:


§  proper security of the premises and software used to process personal data;

§  restriction of access to personal data and prevention of unauthorized access;

§  provision of secure personal data transmission;

§  provision of an effective manner of destruction or deletion or anonymization of personal data;

§  provision of backup copies;

§  provision of services in compliance with certificates.

The Processor stores and processes all data in the Republic of Slovenia and does not export them to third countries.

The Controller hereby acknowledges that it is aware of the organizational and technical procedures and measures relating to personal data protection that are implemented by the Processor and confirms that such measures are adequate, taking into account its own requirements relating to personal data protection and any risks deriving from the agreed data processing.

Article 11

(subcontracted processing)

The Controller hereby gives the Processor its general consent to engage a third party, where necessary, to fulfil the obligations deriving from the Master Agreement or for the support services needed by the Processor.

To process personal data, the Processor uses subcontracted processors where the subscription is set up through a Provider. The term Provider shall have the same meaning as defined in the General Terms and Conditions.

The Processor undertakes to inform the Controller of any intended change of processor or engagement of a new processor. The Processor will inform the Controller within a reasonable period, but no later than 14 working days before the intended change.

The Controller may object to such a change or engagement. If the Processor, despite the Controller’s objection, insists on engaging some other processor, the Controller shall have the right to withdraw from the Agreement pursuant to the General Terms and Conditions and the terms of use governing this relationship.

Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article, the Processor shall be entitled to engage a new processor where one is urgently needed to perform a certain service under the Master Agreement. The Controller has the right to give its consent to such a processor when asked to do so by the Processor.

The Controller agrees that refusal to give consent to the engagement of a new processor as per Paragraph 4 of this Article may result in inability on the part of the Processor to render a particular service. The Controller agrees that such a failure on the part of the Processor shall not be deemed to be the non-fulfilment of obligations under the Master Agreement, and hereby waives any legal claims deriving from it.


The Processor will enter a relevant agreement with the subcontracted processors, thus ensuring that the subcontracted processor protects the personal data subject to this Agreement in the same or stricter manner than laid down hereunder. The subcontracted processor shall be obliged to ensure that the processing conducted meets the requirements laid down by the law governing personal data protection.

If a subcontracted processor fails to fulfil its obligations regarding personal data protection, the Processor shall be held fully responsible for the breaches committed by the other processor.

Article 12

(provision of assistance)

During personal data processing, the Processor will provide information, advice, assistance, and support for the Controller to fulfil its obligations in respect of data subjects.

The Processor’s assistance in the fulfilment of obligations in respect of the above rights of data subjects shall be limited to the personal data processed by the Processor based on this Agreement. The provision of assistance shall take due account of the technical and organizational capacities of the Processor for the provision of assistance.

If the Processor receives a request for the enforcement of any of a data subject’s rights relating to personal data processing, the Processor shall be obliged to forward such a request immediately to the Controller, which shall be obliged to accept the request and process it.

At the request of the Controller, the Processor shall be obliged to provide information, assistance, and support in the fulfilment of obligations deriving from the performance of a data protection impact assessment and any consultation with the competent supervisory body.

In the event of a breach of personal data protection, the Processor shall be obliged to provide, at the Controller’s request, information, assistance, and support in the fulfilment of the obligation to notify the competent supervisory body and (where necessary) the data subject. 

The Controller shall be obliged to request the assistance defined in the above Paragraphs of this Article in writing by email or regular post, at the address gdpr@zzi.si, with the postscript “personal data protection”. The Controller shall be obliged to define the assistance it expects from the Processor and specify any period for the reply.

The Processor shall provide the assistance laid down in this Article pursuant to its price list of services. An exception to this is the assistance laid down in Paragraph 5 of this Article, which shall be provided by the Processor free of charge.

Article 13

 (record of processing activities)

The Processor shall be obliged to keep a record of processing activities for the personal data processed based on this Agreement.

The processing record is to contain at least the name and contact details of the Processor and Controller, the contact information of their data protection officers (where such persons exist), the types of processing conducted, and a general description of technical and organizational security measures.

Article 14

(duration of processing and deletion of data)

The Processor shall be entitled to process the personal data referred to in this Agreement in the period for which the Master Agreement has been concluded.

The Processor must cease processing where there is no legal basis for processing. The Controller shall notify the cessation of a legal basis for the Processor’s processing within 72 hours of learning about the cessation of the legal basis.

Following the completion of services relating to personal data processing or the termination of the Master Agreement, the Processor shall be obliged to delete or return all personal data processed based on this Agreement without undue delay, and to destroy all existing copies. The Processor may retain copies of personal data only where the storage of such personal data is prescribed by the law.


Article 15

(responsibility of the Parties to this Agreement)

The Parties to this Agreement shall be held responsible for personal data processing pursuant to the applicable legislation governing personal data protection and shall be responsible for the reimbursement of any damage resulting from the breach of any of the Parties to this Agreement, taking into account the limitations of liability referred to in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article.

The provisions of this Agreement shall in no way release the Controller from its obligations and responsibilities imposed by GDPR or any other relevant legislation governing personal data protection.  

If any provisions of this Agreement is breached by the Processor, the Processor shall be obliged to rectify any such breach immediately or no later than within the period set by the Controller. The Processor shall be obliged to reimburse the Controller for any damages incurred by the latter as a result of the Processor’s breach, but only up to 3 times the amount received by the Processor as consideration for the services rendered in the month preceding the loss event.

If the Controller incurs damage as a result of a breach committed by a subcontracted processor, the subcontracted processor and the Processor shall be jointly and severally liable to reimburse such damage, but only up to 3 times the amount received by the Processor as consideration for the services rendered in the month preceding the loss event.

Article 16

(modifications of the Agreement)

Any modifications of this Agreement shall be specified by mutual agreement between the Parties to this Agreement in the form of an appendix to the Agreement.

Article 17

(settlement of disputes)

The Parties to this Agreement will settle any disputes arising from this Agreement amicably. Failing this, disputes shall be resolved before the competent court of Ljubljana.

Article 18

(validity of the Agreement)

This Agreement shall enter into force on the day on which the Controller accepts the Processor’s General Terms and Conditions.